Message for Hanson

First I´d like to thank you for doing the music and giving us people what we need. THANK YOU GUYS!!! And when you come touring in Europe again, make sure you´ll come in Finland. You see, I was really dissappointed you didn't come here this time... You really are the best...NEVER STOP!

Please, E-mail me!!!



It´s always nice to see you acting funny ´cause then I don´t feel I´m the only wacko in the world. You also have an awesome voice. I really like Man from Milwaukee...More aliens!!! You're really cute (I wouldn't say 'cute' if I was like 3-4 years younger, you see, I'm too old to say you are 'hot'...)I LOVE YOU, MAN!!!


You're the finest guy in the whole world! At least from the ones I've seen. If only there were guys as cool as you in Finland... You´re hot, man!!! And you're can you have so great voice? It's like...I can't even tell you how wonderful it is. It's just getting better all the time!!!


You´re a great imitator of Butt-head! Never heard better!!! And you´re voice is soooo should sing more on the next album than on Middle of Nowhere. I think you're a totally awesome guy! You´re sooooo sweet!!!! Hot, hot, hot!!!!!! OW!

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