New for those suffering from chronic geek attacks...

Amaxopropodanolin has been somewhat proven to lessen the frequency and severity of Chronic Geek Attack Syndrome (CGAS). In studies, Amaxopropodanolin may produce slight side effects,including cough; dry mouth; sweating; nausea; yawn; sexual side effects in men, women, and chiuauas; lack of motivation; lack of armpit hair; ass pimples; drowsiness; insomnia; an increase in bowel movements, an urgency to have them, and an inability to control them; frequent visits to the Monkey House; hot flashes; cold flashes; rapid and uncomfortable growth in testicle size; penile shrinkage; loss of unneeded limbs; William Shatner Personality Disorder; use of toupee on places other than your head; nipple deformity; and sometimes patient may experience overwhelming hallucinations and paranoia. All symptoms were similar to those in sugar pill.

Click here to order Amaxopropkanolin.