SueBee's Kitchen SONG OF THE WEEK ~ 7/17/98 " I'M HUNGRY FOR LOVE"

"I'm Hungry for S'more ~ S'mores"

" I'm hungry for love, like a hobo for food! " When I hear Patsy sing those words, I can't help but to think of the hobos who so desperately sought out the next campfire for warmth and food . But campfires also evoke happy memories for me as I fondly recall the fun I had on family and Girl Scout camping trips. So, with campfires in mind, I present my favorite campfire food, S'MORES. What follows is the traditional S'more recipe to be cooked over a fire, plus I've adapted my personal favorite " Banana S'mores" for oven baking.

Traditional S'mores

You'll need:

  • Graham Crackers
  • Marshmallows
  • Hershey's Chocolate Bars
    On a long pointy stick, toast the marshmallow until hot and bubbly. Place a chocolate section on the cracker and then place the melty marshmallow on top of the chocolate. Top with another cracker, using it to hold the marshmallow in place as you carefully remove the stick. Press the two crackers slightly to make the marshmallow squish between the two cracker pieces. Enjoy!

    Banana S'mores

    You'll need:

  • 6 bananas
  • Approx. 6 tbs. of semi-sweet chocolate morsels or you may use a few sections of a Hershey bar ~ just squeeze 'em in!
  • Mini-marshmallows
  • Aluminum foil

    Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees. With a sharp knife, carefully slit the banana skin, being careful not to cut into the actual banana. Loosen the banana skin slightly, keeping the ends together. Slip and tuck about 1 tbs. of morsels and several mini marshmallows along the sides of the banana, pushing the skin together as much as you can. Wrap the banana in foil and bake on a cookie sheet for approx. 8-10 minutes at 400 degrees. Remove from oven and let sit a few minutes. Open carefully and then dig in with a spoon! Mmmn, mmmn good!