Song of the Week 2/4/00 ~ " I Love You So Much It Hurts "
Recipe of the Week : " Hold You My " Deer " ~ Barbequed Venison Ribs

Howdy and a belated Happy New Year! The Song of the Week and Recipe of the Week collaboration is back!! To celebrate our return, I present you with this delicious and different recipe. Instead of traditional venison slices, I felt that by preparing venison this way, you will have the opportunity if you choose, to use your fingers while you eat. Doing so will surely lend new meaning to the words, " I want to hold you my " deer "... " I'll bet Patsy would have found this barbeque dish interesting, even if it isn't the same as a Southern gal's idea of " barbeque "!

This recipe comes from Jim Speir's Recipe Page Jim has an assortment of what he calls " eclectic " recipes. Why not visit him and try some of his other recipes as well.

Barbequed Venison Ribs

2 1/2 c Water
3 c Ketchup
1 tb White vinegar
1/4 c Lemon juice
1/2 c Worcestershire sauce
1/2 c 100% Wisconsin maple syrup
1/2 c Brown sugar
2 md Onions,diced
2 tb Chili powder
1/2 ts Salt
6 lb Venison ribs with some loin meat attached
Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. In large bowl, combine all ingredients except ribs and pepper. Blend well. Sprinkle ribs with pepper and additional salt. Place in 5 qt. roasting pan in double layer. Roast 1 hour. Pour sauce over ribs. Increase heat to 350 degrees and bake until ribs just begin to char on top, about 1 1/2 hours. Turn ribs over cover pan and bake about 30 minutes longer, until ribs are tender and sauce is thick. To serve, place ribs on serving platter. Pour sauce over ribs. Makes about 6 servings.

Note: If venison is a little gamey tasting, increase vinegar in sauce to 3 tbsp. Taste sauce after mixing and add additional brown sugar to taste, about 1/2 cup.

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