SSPJ Parish Leadership Team

Our Parish Leadership Team includes the following members:

Pastor: Fr. Au
Parish Corporator: James Anthony& Lucia Provenza
Staff: Linda Boswell, Ron Meyers & Wallace Ford, Jr.

as well as a chairperson(s) from each of the following parish teams:

Diversity Team: Ken Kupfer
Families with Young Children: Debra Nelson & Cristina Saenz de Tejada
Gay & Lesbian Ministry: Frank Taylor & Ron Meyers
Finance: Mike Mazzie & Mary Vachon

We have monthly meetings to discuss issues of relevance to the parish as a whole, as well as reviewing the activies of each team and ways to coordinate between the teams.

On Sunday, March 9, 2003, we had a "one-on-one" meeting with interested members of the parish, after the 9:00am and 11:00 am masses: