Economic Carnivores!

The lust for superiority thru Capitalism

People in the society see these facts with their own eyes; it is observable fact. But they do not know what to do about it be cause its catch 22; they are trapped both sociologically, and psychologically. When you give ignorant people both freedom and power (power being as benign as access to abundant resources and the permission to use those resources as they volition), what they do is analogous to putting a group of gorillas in the penthouse suite of a five star hotel for a month. They will over eat, destroy everything in their reach, spread feces and disease everywhere; you know, they’re gorillas! Even in the wild they’ll plunder the local plant life, and then be forced to relocate to another region to repeat the process. Now in nature, they leave the destroyed area alone where nature has the opportunity to rebuild. Humans keep on destroying their biosphere, relentlessly. The entire ideal behind being civilized is the education necessary to teach proper conduct in the hotel suite of life on Earth. What we see in the absence of Love, is ignorance; in the absence of intellect; greed and plundering; in the presence of greed and plundering; obesity and ecological devastation. In short, only a stupid gorilla will destroy its own home! Humanity is watching itself destroy its only home: Earth, and yet ate too stupid to stop their own behaviors. They just continue to pointlessly over consume, ever increasing in body mass and in stupidity.

The course of human history from a psychological standpoint is cyclical, and cycles must be broken: War is usually that cycle-breaker! This is unfortunate, but it does teach us intelligent people obvious things: that war itself is the outward manifestation of human ignorance, or more accurately, stupidity, and that we are advancing ever so slowly if at all. The only way that humanity will survive is for the intelligent to save the ignorant from them self. They are too arrogant (another product of stupidity) to recognize the fact that they are dooming their own progeny, and so to force them to live in such a way so as to protect their progeny is what I call enforced love. They will live and die fully incapable of love; therefore, someone must love their progeny for them. Since it is obvious fat that life (Earth) is symbiotic, as we save their children, we save our own as well. In fact this is the central justification for this enforcement: salvation for all. Now the greedy loveless beings must protest and claim that their rights and freedoms are being squandered, but they must think this way because they are stupid and loveless beings that cannot think beyond the “me-here-now”! That is, they are consummately selfish. Self-centered, self-absorbed, self-engrossed humans! They know deep inside (somewhere) that they are living loveless destructive lives, and indeed it is this subtle but present knowing of the facts that cause their own inner conflicts, those conflicts are expressed outwardly in their very behavior of obesity, over-consumerism, over-consumption and other wasteful lifestyles that the psychological community labels as obsessive-compulsive, or anxiety, or other such “observation entitlements”. The loveless humans seek freedoms like we see born in America by the greedy loveless Europeans who took this nation from its indigenous peoples, and they then teach their own progeny that they “discovered it”! Why? Guilt and gross injustice that, if thought about in reality, would depress them and force them to act justly: to change! This would require a sacrifice that they, as greedy loveless beings, are incapable of doing volitionally. They want freedoms like the wild animals want the freedom to eat human children to feed their own offspring. However, we humans protect our offspring from the animal (non-human) carnivores by killing the attacking lion. In like manner, all intelligent humans must control the carnivorous ways of the loveless humans in order to protect all. Now I am not talking about the mindless following of professing leadership just for the sake of compliance and order; all leadership demonstrates leadership traits in behaviors that they live by, and no leader would live a lifestyle that will hurt the symbiotic Earth! No leader will live above others, knowing that in doing so they alienate themselves from those they lead, and also because they are not doing unto others what they would want done unto self!

As human history teaches the teachable, whenever a group of humans gain political power, they further exhibit their illness by trying to program the minds of the masses they want to dominate. This function is witnessed in indoctrination, in slavery, in genocide, and in resource manipulation. The truly loving demonstrate that love in self-education: to “cognize the observable”, and then they teach by example (first) and by education, how to live in unity, harmony, and in peace as we corporately protect the planetary resources (and its micro-spheres) for our progeny. The ignorant remain/maintain stupidity, and that manifestation are observable in the biosphere, both on a global scale as well as on a local (or micro) scale. The consequence is also observable, but only to the intelligent, the teachable. While the bulk of humanity uses their brainpower to further justify their over-consuming, greed agendas, anyone who opposes them is of course, the enemy who is trying to violate their freedoms. But you see, to them, freedom is the opportunity to become rich at the expense of the poor: to exploit the resources of Earth at the expense of their (and our) progeny. A wise man said this: “Earth is our stewardship for our children and their grandchildren”; another said: “We are only borrowing this place from our children”! By the way, both of these men were Native Americans, you know, those mindless ignorant savages that we beat down and conquered in Jesus’ name? Yes, them!

So you can see how love itself (taught by Jesus Christ) is the root, the foundation and the source of intellect and wisdom, and how these virtues are the only thing/s that separate us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Aside from all the anthropomorphizing done by ignorant humans, all animals are stupid, and only stupid humans think they are intelligent; indeed when they compare the animal/s behavior to their own it surely seems that way. In fact many animals are smarter than they are; indeed even animals that operate not from volitional love, but from genetic instinct, are smart enough to know how to allocate resources to feed and shelter the group. Humans who remain loveless/stupid are today’s greatest destructive force ever to exist on Earth. Of course, in love we sacrifice the me-here-now for the sake of progeny, but as you can witness, the bulk of humans have no interest whatsoever in saving nature for the sake and benefit of their own. This is not freedom; this is not wisdom; this is not love: The opposite of Love IS indifference.

This is just why the loveless are control freaks (power-mongers): why they seek to control the thoughts of those they want to control/conquer/dominate (the thought police). They want to program, or re-program the masses to think as they do, both to validate their disturbing thoughts/acts, as well as to get others to ally with them in the mutual exploitation and domination of natural resources. This is why all wars occur/ed. This is why all injustices occur/ed. Only the loveless/ignorant see the need for greed, and now we all get to watch as their numbers grow into the billions, and how that is destroying Earth: Indeed the meek shall inherit the Earth! Now it is the twenty-first century, and we can observe the world media (read, watch or listen), and what we witness is but the outward manifestation of billions of loveless/stupid humans clashing with one another. Virtually all of human conflict is both the empirical evidence and the witness that humanity is not maturating at all. What Jesus Christ had to face in 20-35 AD is dead center exactly what you/I are dealing with right now, and if anything, it is worse.

This is why it is the psychology of greed: Seeking inward worth from outward things…. which leads to the environmental mess we are leaving our progeny to clean up, or die from. When humans are loveless/stupid, they try to gain and/or maintain self worth from outward things. This is witnessed in materialism, or Capitalism. This is why people, who do not want to participate in this sickness, bomb and destroy those symbols of trade that the Capitalists fully intend to spread around the globe. Now as a pacifist I do not believe in the killing of the innocent, and yet I and all other intelligent humans automatically understand why some are willing to die to take down these Capitalist dominators who are bent on shaping the world population into their own image. They are just as ill as are the terrorists, only they use the weapons of commerce and the power of money to create a world trade network so that they can exploit the resources of nations who have not yet exhausted their own: This is indeed, the cause of war/s! While one culture is enflamed by the blasphemies and sacrilege of another, that “other” culture has normalized itself and its actions to the point that they cannot understand why anyone would oppose them.

But the ignorant want to stay ignorant because they too, want to continue to be Capitalists and over-consume: they too are sedated with greed and gluttony in this nation of the obese! Therefore, they readily accept the indoctrination sold by the educational institutions of the USA (financed by its government: hum!), which teach that Europeans came to America to escape some injustice; some noble ambition that helps them to swallow the bitter pill of indifference. What the Europeans brought to the rest of the world was colonization, plagues and diseases, a godless organized religion, and traditions that have all but destroyed every indigenous culture on the face of the globe. No Historian or other educator will claim that America had no humans here when Columbus “discovered America”! Columbus was commissioned to colonize America: Conquer it! This “discovery” propaganda is not a fact at all, and yet this is the propaganda sold to the masses that want/need to be told sweet little lies. Europeans came here for one base reason; to be conquers instead of the conquered. They were no different than the other tyrants of European history, but they were certainly more insidious. They came here in the deepest of denial; believing that it was God who directed them to do so; manifest destiny indeed. If you monitor current news and the history of humanity from unbiased sources, you will begin to see the seeds of continuity within the human condition. Here are some philosophical, indeed psychological events that took place long ago, but when placed in today’s context is identical to the hopelessly human state we’re in.

Paul Andrew Anderson, PhD: Author of Philosophy

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