Stepmonster 101

Your one stop step-family page!

We can help!

Are you a :


We are a step-family volunteer group.

We give our time to help step-families with normal everyday step-family adjustment problems.....
remember, we've been there, done that!

Yes, relationships can improve
Yes, children can adjust
Yes, adult step-children do work it out
Yes, second marriages can be saved
Yes, there is light at the end of the tunnel

We try to be available as often as our schedules allow. Don't fret if we take a day or two, we are getting in touch with our list of volunteers to get experienced opinions for your problem. We try to find two or three different solutions for you so you can choose what is best for you.

Having somone to talk to is like having Mt. Everest lifted from your shoulders!

Sometimes, just telling someone else your problem is part of the solution.

You don't have to live with your problem
another day......
Let's Talk!

Or click here to send me an email

Step-Monster 101, the book, will be coming out sometime in 2002.

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