The Enigmatic Saiyan:

Real Name: Beyan Akujin
Code Name: Not Available
Meaning of Beyan: A play on words which means Bean.
Species: Saiya-jin
Normal Power Level: 20,000,000
Email Address:
  • Tamaya Ashura- cousin
  • Pia- Deceased Aunt
  • Ninjin- Uncle Deceased
  • Son Ninjin- Future Cousin
  • Agrias- Future Cousin
Height: 5 foot 10 inches
Weight: 215 lbs.
Build: His build resembles Majin Vegeta (Vegeta is taller eventually and still lookin pretty buffed).
Hometown/planet: Planet Vegeta
Age: 30
Birth date: March 20th
Favorite Color: Dark Blue
Favorite Food: Spaghetti
Favorite Hobby: Fighting
Skin Color: Light white Tan
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Like Goten's in GT
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Energies Beyan uses:
  • Pure Energy
  • Spirit

Beyan's Moves

Weak Ki

Generic Ki Blasts- Just a normak ki blast.

Binshou- A move in which he can move between space, making his movements undetectable.

Medium Ki

Saiyan Rage- A move in which he increases his power level dramatically for a very short time, and he usually dishes out some major attacks. This is brought on by complete rage.

Body Flare- He throws his arms out, creating a flare of ki around him, which tends to be rather destructive.

Solar Beam- A move in which he gathers light, causing the surrounding area to get very dark. He releases the light into a massive ki beam. The beam its self and the explosion are blinding, and destructive.
Spirit Drain Blast- A move in which he fires a white ball at his opponent. He drains half of their energy, and if it exceeds his max, he buffs up a lot, and his power increases however much he absorbed until he uses up all of the reserves he stole.


Spirit Drain Finisher- Beyan learned this technique from the people on Planet Fruut. He simply begins to drain the energy of his opponent.

Chou Bakuha- He simply opens the palm of his hand and causes a huge explosion of energy.


Oozaru- A giant form where Beyan resembles a monkey (a were monkey) which only occurs when there is a full moon. His power increases 10 fold.

SSJ - In this form, Beyan's hair turns a white-ish golden and spikes upward, his eyes become a greenish turquoise color, and he is surrounded in a golden aura. His power inceases significantly.
Power Level: 45,000,0000

SSJ2- In this form, Beyan's hair gets just a little longer, and sticks up more. It also turns a brighter golden color, and his aura has blue electrical ki in it.
Power Level: 85,500,000

SSJ3- (Yet to be obtained)
Clothing: Pretty much the same thing as Majin Vegeta, except for the blue suit is black. He sometimes wears full Saiyan armor.
Blood Type: 0 Negative
Alignment: Neutral
Quote: "A pathetic effort by a pathetic creature."
Personality: He doesn't strive to be the best, but he doesn't like losing. He isn't as prideful as most Saiyans, and he doesn't talk too much..
Beyan was born on Planet Vegeta. After a disastrous battle on Planet Fruut, Beyan was one of three surviving Saiyans. The people, being naive and believing they could change him, were unaware that Saiyans became more powerful after every battle, so they took him in and healed him. After recovering from his wounds, he still didn't have enough power to win.

After convincing the people that he had changed, he was able to get a ship. His pride still being broken from his lost battle, he destroyed the planet from space, leaving no survivors. He then went in search of his allies that had escaped.

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