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The Chameleon Zone
             Hello, out there!

     This is just a fun little place where I can display bits and pieces of my personality.  I hope you enjoy it.  I've put a lot of work into it, and it will be constantly changing (just like me).  Feel free to explore and tell me what you think.  Oh, and
please be kind rewind!

Update: I got the GUESTBOOK working, so please sign it! :)

Update: If you hate those little pop-up windows say "YUP!"  I'm in the process of getting rid of most of them...

Update: My Home Page was getting a little crowded, so everything is now categorized...  I know that means that you have even more buttons you have to click on to get to the page you want, but, well... Deal with it.

Update: I'm soooo sorry about the little problem.  When I changed stuff around I forgot to link it all.. and then when I went to go fix it PageBuilder wouldn't load.  It's  all fixed now though.  Again, I'm sorry.
Lookin' for somewhere fun to go?
(Click on the pictures... )
Little Blue Book Quotes
The Personals...
Fun And Games!
(The Survey, Memories,
Greetings From Cali...)
(Entertainment, Websites,
Games, Azusa Uncut)
I'd love it if you'd sign the guestbook
$$$ Free Cash!  $$$
I GOT IT TO WORK!!!!  In fact, I even got the little "Home" button to work, so to get back here from the guestbook just click that and you'll get here...  (if you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry...) In short, it all works fine...  :)
Upset that you can't play Tic-Tac-Toe anymore?
Then write me!!!!