My Fav People!
These are some of my very FAV people... there are also more pictures of me too... but this link isn't really about me its about them! there are a LOT of pictures of Abe Ward 'cause a lot of these pictures are taken with his camera... that and Abe is and GREAT person and a Great friend!
My Top Ten List
Mandy's Grad Party
Links to cool sights my friends have made

My Daddy and Mommy! not a good picture of My Daddy(i'll get a better one)

my brother-in-law Seth and big sister Coaleen

my big sissy Mindy. Isn't she HOT!

Coaleen's two kids Jazzy and Luke. and Mindy's kiddo Dominick.

my big brother Bryan, my sister-in-law, and my youngest nephew Collin. Collin is my 7th nephew!

Guys Left to right: Abe, Randy, Justin, Seth, Tommy, & Dustin
Girls Left to Right: Leela, Mandy, & Mindy.

This is Tommy! TOMMY ROCK!!

Kyra!! One of the most Beautiful, Sweet little girls EVER!

Mindy Moo, Bubbie, Tominater, D-Rock, Dustilicious, and Abie Baby, @ Cedar Point.

top row: Jason, Brook, Jesse & Derek
middle row: Jesnie, Mindy, Mandy, Sarah
bottom row: Tom and Lukuis

Jon Boy! my little bubby/best friend person since like 12 years ago. (loves ya Park aka Krap :0) )

Paul and the love of my life Dielle. Dielle is truly the best friened I have ever had! I LOVE YOU DEE! And I'm so proud of you! Click here to see Davis

Abe and Dominick.

Joanna and Lois(they is i chickys!)Click Here for pictures of Joanna's wedding.

summer convention 1999

clockwise: Clint, Jon Boy, Justin, and Abe and me in the middle! :0)

left to right: me, brook, Steven, and Sarah, (BAD pix of brook and I)

this is my mommy and my mommy 'retta(my friend Val's mom)singing thier hearts out!

Dustin, me and Chris.

Jae, me Joanna, jessica, Matt's back, Lynaya, Jay. this picture is crappy but its on here 'cause i didn't have any others of Matt on my computer.

Abe and my Mommy

Abe and Justin A*K*A Bubby... Justin is hooked on abe

Dinah, me Turbo, and My Natalie!

This is Joshie! He has been my goofy buddy for like 7 years((WOW time flies)). YEAh ladys i know he is hot, But back off he is married!!! :0)

spring fest 2004 at Castrop's these people are the coolest group. they sweet and diffrent... truely a taste of the new system!