




2005.05.12 - Looking for grad school programs, working on St. Columcille United Gaelic Pipe Band website, looking for job with good experience, etc.
2005.03.18 - Back in NJ again, starting intern doing GIS for an engineering group very soon,
2004.12.17 - I am in Beijing again, the fall has some sweet moments, November sucked, but the last week has gotten pretty good, and today is cool, I will be back in US by the end of January, (Bruno's square slice, Amen) Wow, I am checking in again, but like do any of these people with websites really update them frequently anyway?
2004.03.01 - I am in BeiJing in China right now, teaching English at BeiJing No. 80 Middle School. I just moved to the school campus yesterday and I am in the school building right now, using the internet; so far I have been able to reach my website, but while I was here I noticed I could get to another geocities website, so I am checking in.
2003.12.31 - I am going to BeiJing in China on January 14, to teach English. I am going with a friend and meeting our friend there.
2003.09.03 - I am taking one course back at WPU this fall in GIS. It will be good to go back for awhile.
2003.05.08 - I am applying to the Peace Corps. (As you can tell, I don't put all the news up here, I will try more.)
2002.12.13 - My father's sister Rose (Rosina)'s husband Joe passed away today. He was 87. He served in the U.S. Army in the Pacific during World War II.

Living Earth
(map from showing current night and day on Earth)

Living Earth
(current cloud cover on Earth)

Living Earth
(Earth as seen from moon right now)

Clear Sky forecast for Montclair State University, for more forecasts for North America go to


You are Donnie Darko!
You are confused and mentally
unstable but you are a truly great guy who just
wants to love, be loved, and not die alone.
"I promise one day everything will be
better for you."

Which Donnie Darko Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Donnie Darko...

Universism unites freethinkers!

This is a light pollution map of northeast US. White is brighter (more light pollution), black is darker (less light pollution). I got the map from The night sky in the World, and I put in the boundaries using Microsoft Paint, online (cylindrical projection) maps from Color Landform Atlas of the United States, and a lot of patience.

This is a light pollution map of the world.

about myself

IM Motta26
Yahoo spettro9
ICQ 98519969
