Sparrow's Creatures Page

Well, almost...

I'm not really back yet. I put this up mainly as a place to stick my agents and stuff until I get a proper page up and running again. Until then, here are the aforementioned agents and stuff.

Whatever Dispenser
Though not up to my usual par as far as graphics are concerned (considering my usual par sucks anyway, this isn't saying much), it is nonetheless very useful. It will dispense whatever you put inside of it. That is to say, if you put a slice of cheese in it, it will become a cheese vendor. An apple makes it an apple vendor. You can even vend ants or hedgehogs or birds if you want! Anything you can fit in it is fair game.

"Hitman" Object Remover
I call it the "hitman" because of the nature of its operation. It will have a look at all objects that you place inside of it and then scour your world for other instances of that object and remove them. To be used with CAUTION.

Mr Switch
Second in my line of electronic parts for Creatures 3 is Mr Switch. When active (on), it will pass a signal directly from the input port to the output port. When inactive (off), no signal shall pass. Useful when you want to be able to shut off your machines without having to disconnect a wire.
NOTE: It has just now come to my attention that this is another agent of mine that someone else has already made. People are stealing my ideas before I even have them! :) Er, anyhow, I'm making this available anyway because I can't figure out where to download the other one (if you even can). If you download this, be warned: I might recycle this classifier sometime in the future.

Those of you who have had digital electronics experience may already be familiar with these devices. They allow you to send multiple data sources over a single line. Quite useful if you want to, say, monitor the heat and light in the jungle terrarium from the engineering bay using a single radio frequency. Or, my personal favorite, have a timed airlock flush control that uses one data line to flush the bay and the other line to close the door when it's finished.
NOTE 1: I know there's already a multiplexer/demultiplexer out there, but it requires a seperate line to select the data channel. While that is a great deal more reliable than the AutoMUX/DEMUX, I offer this agent as a variation if you only want to use a single line.
NOTE 2: I've found that there are definitely bugs in this agent, so it might not work for you. I accidentally over-wrote my main cos file for the MUX, so there will be a delay before I can address these issues.

(C) 2001 Ben "Sparrow" Wright