My father who passed away in 1979 was considered the Iron Man of Malta in the book of Bjagju Galea titled "Imdina ta' Tfuliti".

An unique character of his own

This was one of the tricks my father used to do either in a party on  and present on Christmas Day... many a times they did not work for him...!!!!

Think of a Number   .... .... ....

Ask a friend to think of a number between 1 to 99 and that you are capable to  know the number if he  will do a simple sum for you.


Picking up a Bottle with a Straw  .... .... ....

Tell your friends that you can pick the bottle off the table with the flimsy straw and without touching it with your hands.  They will all think it is impossible, particularly after they have tried it.   You can then show them how to do it.
