SonAra Acres
Foaled   4-17-96
He is a beautiful white with "medicine hat" mark.  Very pretty head, tiny ears, excellent eye, great mover, about 40", and produces COLOR!!  Rockie really puts the "Classic" on his foals.  Pictured to the right are three of his daughters from the 2000 foal crop.  Picture of Rockie will be available in the summer of 2001.
Click here to see pedigree
King's Dicky Doo VB     ASPC# 137736A
Foaled   5-28-88
Dicky is one of Vern Bennas famous blue roans with a twist, Dicky is blue roan and white!  He sires stunning foals, lots of color.  Exotic Arabian type head and eye, very classy, gentle natured, and my buddy.  Several of his daughters stand in our brood mare band.  Dicky is "Classic" all the way.
Click here to see pedigree
SonAra's Majestic Vision RC     ASPC# 141194A
Foaled   6-03-93
Magic is out of a Wink's Showdeo Kid son and daughter cross, so very intense black and white bred.  He has the black and white color, a very pretty face, nice eye, small ears, and gentle nature.  And talk about close up foundation pedigree...take a look at his.
Click here to see pedigree
SonAra's "Medicine Hat" Rockie RC   ASPC# 144365A