Justine's Photogallery


This was written by AW's production coordinators

She came to Bay City, she was going for broke,
the next thing we knew, Spencer had a stroke.
She dressed up as Rachel, she took her hair down,
she knocked out Carl and sent Rachel out of town.
She came looking for Grant, the son Spencer took away,
she didn't care about Ryan (he's dead anyway).
She went after Lorna, she tightened the noose,
the viewers all shouted, "Don't drink that juice!"
The next dastardly deed was devilishly tricky,
she used Kirkland's cries to kidnap Vicky.
She walled her up in the dungeon brick by brick,
while Vicky kept screaming, "What are you sick?"
It was up on the tracks, where Ryan bought the farm,
Grant shot him in the back, he didn't mean any harm.
We're throwing a gala, if we have any luck,
stand clear of Steven and his little toy truck.
So a fond farewell to the evil Justine,
and now maybe Grant can finally come clean!
This chapter is over, Bay City can rest,
on to the next story, we're simply the best!

Justine comes on the scene!!

Justine becomes a nun

Justine and her son, Grant

Rachel and Justine FACE OFF

The outsider


Carl and Justine

Rachel and Justine

Snip, snip!

Enemies face to face

End of Justine's reign

*Rachel and Vicky

*Psycho Justine

*Tussle on the train Trestle