Happy New Year!

Make a Wish
Go ahead and make a wish
to celebrate the new year.
Don't settle for something small.
And don't worry about how
it could come true.
Just jump into the possibilities
and embrace the mystery.
Let your imagination run wild
and as far as you dare,
set your dreams all free,
and with all your heart,
You deserve to have
every one of your
beautiful, shining dreams
come true!

Let the new year lead the way
to that special place inside
where wishes and dreams begin,
where magic and wonder live.
To that special part
of you
that still believes.
And may all
your magic wishes
come true for you
this year!

Whatever resolutions or changes you may make,
Whatever new directions or paths you'd like to take,
May God bless your endeavors and guide you to success,
And fill the coming year with all that brings you happiness.

We wish all of you a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year! Above all, please, Do Not Drink and Drive! If you are going to drink, have a designated driver or take a cab home. The life you save may be your own.