To Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird is a dramatic and deeply moving novel. It is told from the point of view of a young girl named Scout. This girl lets you see the innocent child view of the south during the Great Depression. The book makes you care deeply for Scout. As you journey through the book with Scout, you have a sense of what she is feeling as if you are right along with her.

In the begining of the book, Scout goes to school and meets with much difficulty. As the story progresses, she meets up with Miss Maudie Atkinson who acts as a surrogate mother for her. Boo Radley, the mystery of Maycomb, arouses the curiousity of Scout which leads her to explore the unknown house. The fascination ot the house provides hours of intrigue for Scout and her neighborhoold friends. Later on, a confrontation develops with a old woman named Mrs. DuBose who criticizes Scout for being the child that she is. Then she has a experience with a mob coming after her father for defending Tom Robinson, a black man. Scout attends the trial for Tom Robinson's case.

RichG, and SeanL