The Mona Mailart Show

Featured in the March 1997 Issue of WIRED Magazine. Thanks, WIRED!

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Through the generosity of GeoCities, we bring you a small sample of the submissions to this mailart call, heard throughout the world and ignored by most of it. The main dood in charge is the one, the only, the Art Pope o' Sacramento, let's hear it for Leo duuuuuuuuh Fitchi! Rusty Clark, editrix of Tabloid Trash, provides basic page design and is the doodess in charge of hanging the pictures straight. Your email will be read by both jokers. We're giving you email/page links for the mailartists included here - and encourage you to visit and/or write them for further info on their work.

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Gallery Ten · Gallery Eleven · Gallery Twelve · Gallery Thirteen · Gallery Fourteen

NEW! Underage Mona Mailartists Gallery

USPS 1996 Christmas Stamp
Monadonna and the Leo Child
An amazing discovery by Leo duh Fitchi. He unearthed this hitherto
unknown oil by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo. Until now, it was never suspected
that Tiepolo and Leonardo had collaborated. The pesky fact that they
lived several hundred years apart can be explained away by O.J.'s lawyers.

Momma's Cubist Mona
The Original Leda's "Cubist Mona"
Visit her Central Florida web page here...

Brassiere Mona Lisa
Jeff "The Pope of Bridgeport" Barnes

i heard them shouting "burn mona, burn"
as they swarmed toward the louvre in a
millenium-ending effort to cleanse the earth
of all pre-postmodern paintings.
- joey know/posturbanist

Shirin Mohtashami
Prince Street Station, P.O. Box 580, NYC, NY 10012 USA

Alien Mona Lisa
John Brise - Fraser Lake BC, Canada

Slammer Mona Lisa
Richard Morrison

Mona on the Moon
It is a sin what you can do to a perfectly nice painting
with too many filters and no self control.

It is also true that you can achieve some beautiful results
with those same toys and some sense of esthetics!
This Mona was done by Dragonfly Dream.

Jester - Philipp Lenssen
Check out his web page HERE!

Gerardo Yepiz - the Crazy Mexican Mailartist -
shares his portrait of MONA!
Click here to see his International Mailart web pages.

I dream of Mona with the bright green skin.
Been to the Metal Dog Homepage?
This puppy is very able with both graphics and layout - check it out.

Cheesecake Mona
This image was featured in living color (pink) in the
March '97 WIRED Magazine Net Surf...
They gotz good taste over there, huh?

non local variable - Pacific NW Mailart Central

Good Pun
The Mona Liza - life is just a cabaret, my friend!
Ken B. Miller - Mr. Ask Alice Art Exchange -
Mr. Shouting at the Postman!!

The greys are here...
Schwona Lisa, eh? I don't know...I don't wanna know.
From a true MAINIAC - John Pratt, Center 102.

email art from Minneapolis, MN
by Dr. Doug Shaw, math wiz...see the whole image here!

What a sensayuma she's got!

November 12th, 1996 · Thanks, Geocities!

Live Forever - No Gimmicks


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