He walked into the dark movie theatre, his hands stuffed deep into his pockets. He walked half way down the isle, pausing to gauge his distance from the screen to his intended seat.. He walked half way down the row and glanced down at the seat. The seat was old, God knows how old. Strangers in the past had left a mosaic of stains deeply embedded in the seat cushion; he swept his hand across the surface and sat down. It was very satisfactory. He slouched low in his seat and stretched his arms across the backs of the empty seats next to him, then changed his mind and instead crossed them over his chest, his hands tucked into his armpits. The main feature hadn't started yet, but there were previews being played on the screen. A man and a woman were cooing over their new baby; he thought they looked happy. Another preview flashed up on the screen, this one of a soldier quietly trudging through the woods. He blinked his eyes slowly and sighed. Silence greeted him from the rear; someone in the front of the theatre cleared their throat noisily. It always seemed to be the people who made the most noise ended up in the front. The movie started up and he sat up a bit to get a better view. He watched the movie. It was about a college student who drove a drunk girl back from a party; she falls in love with him. The movie ended with them graduating from college and getting married. He felt cold and remembered he had left his jacket at home.