Extremes #4: Welcome to the Massachusetts Academy!

	Drew Ebon and Alex Davidson, with their new found teachers, Emma Frost
and Sean Cassidy, arrive at the Massachusetts Academy: Xavier's School
for Gifted Youngsters. As they ride on the drive way, Drew can see
figures at the front of the school. Drew sees one very familiar,
"Paige?" Mr. Cassidy stops the car and gets out; the other occupants get
out as well.
	"So, these are the new guys?" whispers the girl named ‘Jubilee' to her
sometime friend, Monet St.Croix.
	"Yeah," says Paige Guthrie before Monet can say anything.
	"What's your deal, hayseed?" 
	"I know one of them, from the Internet. His name is Drew Ebon, but I
don't recall them going after another one, Jubilee. I thought they were
only going to get Drew."
	"Well, there's two of them, so let's go give them a big GenX welcome!"
shrieks Jubilee.
	Jubilee, and the others: Monet, also known as M; Everett Thomas, Synch;
Paige Guthrie, Husk,  run over to meet there new comrads. Drew and Alex
then share a psionic conversation.
	"Chalrie? Are you okay with this? I'm sure thet're going to find out,
if not already, that you're from the future, and when they do, you'll be
asked a lot of questions . . ."
	"Drew don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. I just want to
survive these next few days, alright?"
	The two boys carry their suitcases, two each, without counting the ones
that are weighing down Mr. Cassidy. As Drew comes closer to the
entrance, and sees Paige, he sets his suitcases down and says, "Paige?
Is that you?"
	"Sure is, Drew. Glad you made it. I was starting to worry that you
decided not to come."
	"Well, we had some difficulties. But we are here, safe and sound."
	"Who's your friend?"
	"That's Alex Davidson. He's where I'm from, well, in a sense anyway."
	"What do you . . .mean?"
	"You have heard of Bishop and Cable, right?"
	"Sure I have."
	"Well, what do they both have in common?"
	"They're both from the future?"
	"Oh. How'd you know about Bishop and Cable anyway?"
	"On the jet over here, Ms. Frost handed me a laptop computer with all
of the . . .X-files," he says laughing.
	"Com'on, Drew. Let's get you to your room," says Paige opening the door
to let herself and Drew in.
	As they walk up the stairs, silence rules the halls. Paige than takes
him to the boy's dormitory.
	"So, Paige," Drew begins, "I've read about the Danger Room. Could you
explain it to me? You know . . .how it works and all."
	"Well, for one thing, we don't have a Danger Room. We have a real
environment training ground without any holograms or anything. When the
rest of us came and Mr. Cassidy showed us what Jubilee calls ‘the Danger
Grotto,' I was kinda mad since I had studied everything on the Danger
	"Have any of you really used it yet?"
	"Not that much. We really are busy, doing homework and fighting
	"Who's Emplate?"
	"You don't want to know. Well, here's your room."
	"Thanks, Paige.
	"Hope you feel at home here. We've only lived here for about a year,
and I really think of it as my home. Especially since my friends are
here. See'ya."
	Paige walks out of the room, leaving Drew to unpack his stuff. 
	"Danger Grotto? What kind of stupid name is that? Besides, are we
supposed to fight each other? I don't think so. On the computer, I read
about Excalibur, the X-Men of Great Britain. They don't have a Danger
Room there, but they do have something that's really neat. I've got to
talk to Ms. Frost about it. I don't know why, but I feel more
comfortable with her than Mr. Cassidy. He looks like he has a lot on his
mind. I caught stray though, too. He misses his daughter. He also
relates the lost years of being a parent to the head-mastership of the
	Drew hurries to unpack his clothes and the other things he brought with
him. Soon, he is finished. (Note: Drew cheated by using his telekinetic
	"Oh, gosh! I left Alex behind! He's gonna get mad!"
	Drew runs out of door and then sees his friend walking in the hall,
with a enraged face upon him.
	"Hi , Alex. How you doin'?" Drew says innocently.
	"Ehhh!" Alex snarls and walks to his room.
	"I knew it. He's mad."
	Drew walks down the hall and then down the stairs, meeting once again
Generation X.GENERATION X.
	"Hey, Drew, did you know that your friend is from the future?" asks a
curious Jubilee.
	Drew looks at her and gives out a sigh, "Yes, I did."
	"So, amigo, where're you from?" asks Angelo.
	"Tennessee. Tullahoma, Tennessee to be exact."	
	Jubilee than whispers to her friend Everett, "It almost looks that he's
been hanging out with M for a while doesn't it, Ev?"
	"Oh really, Jubilee?" calls out a telepathic voice as Jubilee shrieks.
	The whole room is suddenly filled with laughter. 	
	Alex come down the stairs looking exhausted from the unpacking. As Drew
sees this, he thinks to himself, "I wish he knew how to use his powers
in a more efficient way. I just used my telekinetic powers to do
everything. I better not tell him though.-laugh- I think everything is
going to be okay after all."
	"Come on, Alex," says Everett. "I'll take you around the campus."	
	Ms. Frost comes toward Drew saying, "Alright, Drew, time to meet
	"Is that another one of your students, Ms. Frost?"
	All Emma can do is laugh.

Moonlight Knight, Prince Endymion					   
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         / /   "He who shall use his might blade to destroy the spite of
        / /    the Negaverse."
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      / /   Member of the #AAS#: Achika Appreciation Society
     / /    Member of the #SAS#: Sasami Appreciation Society
  __/_/__   Member of the Chamber Fanclub
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