Comments and Questions on Issue #1

Before we start : One small clarification from Poppy:
I'm really surprised this is necessary, but I _am_ a _girl_!!! I'm not some old Italian pizza maker man.

1. "What the fuck is this?" Page 9, I like it, it's works on all different levels. I mean - what the fuck are the DNA codes, but in general, What the fuck is this entire thing?
-Thanks Doug... we think.

2.So what? Scarab's sleeping with that... that thing? How?
- We're having some trouble trying to picture it too... ewww.. maybe that's not such a good idea.

3. Scarab looks o.k, but is there a reason why General Fox looks like a cross between Mr. T, aquaman, and a borg?
-Maybe...Truth is (like alot of our characters) Fox is psychologically unsound. Everytime she goes into battle, she has to injure herself, or in her opinion she hasn't fought to her personal standards of self - sacrifice. Hence her large number of replaced parts.

4. Is that real sign language that Lindsey uses, and how does Moe know it?
-Let's just say it would be a mighty big coincidence if Lindsey's sign language really exists. As for Moe, she has an edidict (perfect) memory. Which means years ago she read Hellen Keller or something and remembers it.

5. I can't wait to see who the traitor is, ... I bet it's the COG.
-Sorry, you'll have to wait until issue # 4 to find out who the traitor is. However there is enough information in the biographies and in issue #1 to logical deduce who the traitor is. Of course you can always guess blindly.That works too.

6.Are the two voices (one from the speaker, one from the monitor) the same?

7. I like the Roman lettering on the computer files. It was a nice touch to emphasize the different histories, and how the two might have combined with each other.
- WOW - sometimes we even shock ourselves. (uhhhh.. Poppy? Did we do that lettering thing on purpose?)
- Shuddup. Of COURSE we did. look at that ATTENTION TO DETAIL. Marvel - are you taking notes?

O.K. That's it for now, if you have a comment or question, send it along to Nika and Poppy, and we'll answer it as best we can. THANKS!!

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