Welcome to Diceland


I mean....c'mon people....why the hell are you wasting your time coming here?

Twice as Nice as Rice
Dice is nice; better than lice
Not as nice as SPICE
But Twice as nice as rice
Sacrifice the mice
Do it not once nor twice, but thrice
Hotter than ice
Worth the price
Come by my dice
Watch Miami Vice
-Piks Yelwah, "Rogain is No Gain"Pg.45 Vers. 205

All about Dice
I'd like to talk about dice
But Mr. Spok is raping me
I'd like to watch some spice
But Mr. Spok is raping me
I'd like eat some mice
But Mr. Spok is raping me
It doesn't feel too nice
Cuz Mr. Spok is raping me
And he'll rape you too!
-Nad Dier, "Mr. Spok's Erotic Adventures" Pg.27

Are you a happy boy? Spoonman is.....go to his page!