Anecdotes from ...

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Copyright © 1996 Antonio Gianṇ
This Home Page was created Friday 23 January 1996
Most recent revision Friday 7 June 1996

Notoriously Swiss people are regarded so auster and serious that they don't feel a nail in their shoes!
Tryng to give me a better idea of the matter, a friend of mine used to affirm that "the Vienna graveyard is large half the city of Zurich ... but twice gayer than it !!!"
Don't credit such a tale,they can laugh and accept the world laughing about them.

So, please, smile with them !!!

Swiss Anecdotes



The story needs a preliminary statement: Switzerland is a confederation ruled by a Counsil of seven people, whose President is alternated every year.

It happened, once, in the past, that the President in office was a German Swiss and not really too cultured.

It is said that a high prelate of the Vatican city, taking his leave after having presented his credentials, was by the above said President requested to bring the following greetings to Rome:

" Je Vous prie, saluez-moi Monsieur le Pape, madame la Papesse, les petits papillons et toute la Papeterie!! "

"Le credenziali"

Occorre premettere che la Svizzera e' governata da un Consiglio Federale costituito da sette persone, il cui Presidente viene avvicendato ogni anno.

E' accaduto in passato che a rivestire la carica di Presidente fosse il turno di uno svizzero tedesco, non molto acculturato.

Si racconta che un alto Prelato del Vaticano dopo avergli presentato le sue credenziali fu dallo stesso congedato con le seguenti parole :

" Je Vous prie, saluez-moi Monsieur le Pape, madame la Papesse, les petits papillons et toute la Papeterie!! "

La bistecca

Dopo una lunga ed estenuante riunione di lavoro, i sette membri del Consiglio svizzero andarono insieme a cena.

Il cameriere servi' loro un vassoio con otto bistecche ed ogni consigliere provvide a servirsi da solo.

Improvvisamente venne a mancare la luce. Alcuni secondi dopo, nella piu' completa oscurita', un urlo disumano squarcio' il silenzio.

Ritornata la luce, agli astanti si presento' questa scena: al centro del tavolo rotondo il vassoio ; sopra il vassoio la bistecca rimanente; su di essa una mano aperta (quella del gia' menzionato Presidente ?) ;... e sei forchette conficcate nella stessa.

The Steak

After a Cabinet meeting the seven members of the Swiss Council went all together to dinner.

The waiter had brought a tray with eight great steaks and each counselor had helped himself.

All of a sudden the light got off. A few seconds later, in the complete darkness, someone shouted with all his might and main with pain.

The light came back and the following scene opened to the sight: the tray in the middle of the round table; the remaining steak on it; an open man's hand on the steak (was it the above said President's one ?) and six forks nailed into that hand.

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Arab Proverb

La Coda del cane

Prendi la coda di un cane
la metti in una canna
la lasci cento anni
togli la canna
... sempre storta rimane!!

A Dog's Tail

Take a dog's tail
put it into a tube
leave it there
for a hundred of years
take off the tube still will be bent !!

Der Hundeschwanz

Nimm einen Hundeschwanz,
steck ihn in ein Rohr
und da lass ihn
hundert Jahre lang.
Nimm das Rohr nun wieder weg,
...der Schwanz bleibt
immer krumm!!!

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Brassiere is most democratic thing in Italy:
it divides the left from the right;
it lifts masses;
it attracts and joins the peoples

Il reggiseno

In Italia la cosa piu' democratica e' il reggiseno:
divide la destra dalla sinistra;
solleva le masse;
attira e unisce i popoli

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