Again Alone Behind The Eyes Behind The Eyes 2
The Cleansing of A Soul Cliche X-Mas Wall Demons
Fear of Tomorrow My Gift Inside
Looking Back(Another Mistake) Near You
The Raven Twister

The End

I only dream of simple things
Not fancy cars nor diamond rings;
A love for me to spend my life
And maybe one day find a wife,
Or husband if its what I find
Will give me my own peace of mind

I do not wish to be a queen.
I only wish a sweet girls dreams.
The kind you'll find in any town
Where you see girls who wear a frown.
And if I can acheive these things,
They'll be worth more than any rings.

I've lived my life as though I should,
But found that things aren't always good.
The problem's been inside of me;
I've just to open up and see.
Now when I wake I see my smile
And somehow everything's worthwhile.

Those people who can also look
Will find I'm read just like a book.
I've happy chapters, and some sad;
And sometimes things will make you mad.
Although the ending's not yet here,
I'm sure it will be full of cheer.

Kristina Marie - 2/19/2003