MS Internet Mail


MS Internet Mail
Outlook Express

MS Internet Mail Setup

Now that GeoCities has its mail server up and working on the new hardware, it's time to get everyone up and working on GeoMail with their Microsoft Internet Mail program.

This help page assumes that you have downloaded and installed the final release version of Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 3.0, Typical or Full version. If you are using Internet Explorer 4.x or higher, you should go to the Outlook Express page instead. To get started using your GeoCities Mail account, if you haven't already, go to the GeoMail Manager and make sure you have your email set to "Yes".

Check the Internet Explorer Download Page to get the latest version.

Got that done? Good! Now we can get started.

First, start up the Internet Mail program. It may start checking mail automatically, in which case it will probably come back with an error message. Just ignore that for now. Click on the VIEW menu, then select OPTIONS. You will see a property sheet with tabs across the top. Click on the SERVER tab, and you should see a page like this one:

Internet Mail Server Setup Page

Explaination of Fields

Put anything you want in here for your name. This will show up to mail recipients as the sender of the mail. If you leave this blank, only your email address will show up on mail you send.
This field is optional. You can leave it blank, or insert any text you want to show up under the Organization field in the email header.
Email Address:
This is your email address ( IMPORTANT Do not put!
Outgoing Mail (SMTP):
Incoming Mail (POP3):
VERY IMPORTANT! DO NOT put an IP Address in these two fields. GeoCities is always in the process of updating and maintaining their server computers. If you put an IP address in here, it may not stay the same. If you put the correct name in here (, the the GeoCities Name Server will find the correct machine without causing you errors or necessitating changing this setup.
POP3 Account:
This is your GeoCities Username.
This is your GeoCities Password. It will show up as asterisks, just like when you enter it on the GeoCities Personal Profile Editor Page.

Next, you want to click the "Advanced Settings ..." button on the lower right hand corner. You will see the following dialog box:

Server Setup Advanced Settings

Explaination of Fields

Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server:
Leave this at 25.
Incoming Mail (POP3) Server:
Leave this at 110.
Do not download messages over ...
Leave this box unchecked. GeoCities has set the maximum size for your incoming mailbox to 500KB anyway, so this really doesn't apply.
Leave a copy of messages on server
DO NOT CHECK THIS OPTION! GeoCities was very clear on this. You must leave this option UNchecked to make sure that your messages are removed from the server when you download them.

The next two options under "Leave a copy ..." should be greyed out and unavailable.
Reply To:
Most mail programs use this field to determine where to send messages when you select "Reply to Author". Put your GeoCities Email address here (
Server Timeout
Internet Mail uses this setting to decide how long to wait for a response from the server before it gives you an error message. With the new GeoCities mail server in place, I would suggest starting this out at 2 minutes, then increase it if you start having problems. Just click on the little slider and drag it to the left for less time, to the right for more time. The slider moves in 30 second increments, for a maximum time of 5 minutes.


Click the OK button on the Advanced Settings dialog, then click OK again on the Server Setup page, and you are set to go!

Some Things To Remember

According to GeoCities, the heaviest traffic on the mail server is from Noon to 7 pm, Los Angeles time. Try to schedule your mail times for early morning or late evening to avoid timeout errors.

If you have any specific questions not covered here, check the Unofficial GeoCities Email FAQ. This is also a good place to check if you want info on many of the other email client programs that are available.


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