Ramon's Unix/Perl Links/Archives page

This in my Web page, my piece into Internet my cyberspace, a place where I show some of my work sharing it with other people my professional world .

Most of the Perl scripts are mine and those that are not, You'll know it, if you desire more information about it you'll need to contact me by ,also there are Links to other authors and sites that I've included over here because at some point in my daily bases job I've needed them as well as people whom I've learned from.

For those of you that got here for coincidence and are not Unix people I also have a Windows 95 page and topics related to.

My Perl World

What is Perl anyway?
Perl /perl/

According with the hacker's dictionary [Practical Extraction and Report Language, a.k.a. Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister] An interpreted language developed by ( Larry Wall, author of patch(1) and rn(1)) and distributed over Usenet. Superficially resembles awk, but is much hairier, including many facilities reminiscent of sed(1) and shells and a comprehensive Unix system-call interface. Unix sysadmins, who are almost always incorrigible hackers, increasingly consider it one of the languages of choice. Perl has been described, in a parody of a famous remark about lex(1), as the "Swiss-Army chainsaw" of Unix programming.

My unique signature file looks like:

use Heart::WithBrain;                                   #:-)
while ($god-bless == $Internet && $Perl == $Cool){
       $Be = "Happy";
       $Live = "Love";
       $Hack = "Fun";
}      #  RC          ray@icix.net

Just for us Perl's Cool who said Hot Metal
Larry Wall

My Perl Archives

Since I know Perl I don't want to know about other language, tell me what you want and I'll do it with Perl. So far I'm trying to master the camel language working whit it every day over a Unix plataform although, I also have it in my Win95 machine *BUT* I have not had the time to play with it Some day I'll do it.
I really had a wonderful time in the first Perl conference in San Jose California and I'm looking forward going back there this year.
All these Scrpits/Programs (or whatever u wanna call 'em) has been tested and are in production. I've installed many CPAN modules just because I won't reinvent the wheel :-)

Do You Want to see Larry Wall, Randal Schwartz, Tom Christiansen and Sriram Signing autograph at the first Perl conference 1997 ,
I know you want to 6980K

The plataform where they are running is Solaris 2.5.1

Network file distribution
TCP Daemon listening port 2000
Parsing a config. file to a Perl script # config file
NSLOOKUP Perl native
Perl POP3 protocol retriever
Unix command wc -l or how many lines has that file
ICMP traffic Host monitoring
Sending a email using Perl/sendmail-mailx
HTML for upload a local file - Perl Script
My own Perl notes

Some Perl Cool links

Perl 5 quick reference
The Perl's guru page
Guess what is the best CGI language
Some day I'll write a Perl HTTP server but for now here you got
The Apache/Perl Integration project
The perl Journal
Where to spend money in Perl's books
A caching proxy written in Perl

Some Cool Perl hackers beside me

Randal Schwartz
Tom Christiansen
Selena Sol's Scripting world

More Cool Unix/Linux/C hackers

W. Richard Stevens' Home Page (The C programming man)
Eric Raymond's Home Page (The fetchmail and bazaar man)
Muhammad A Muquit Home page (The hitcounter man)

Visual Basic Run Time files: 16 bits applications
32 bits applications

Visual basic samples:

Time Control System 2.0 version 16 bits
Time Control System 2.0 version 32 bits
Port Tester (terminal emulator)

Download Software

Where to find the latest Perl release
Software.com Post office Unix/NT
The best HTTP server Apache
SUN software , information and Technology Exchange
SUN, Solaris products
Microsoft FTP Sever
Hot stuff (VBBN)
PCweek on line Download page

If you want to know a litle more about me just click

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How to crack the code