The Basic Zone

    unit Delphi Freeware Components and DLL's
      // everything on this page is free !

If you were looking for some FREEWARE components : here you have some.

So, what's on this page ?

Obviously, freeware Delphi Components and DLL's are. I've created everything on this page myself and I hope it can be of some use to you. All the source code for the Component's is also included.

Please read the 'Disclaimer' section of this page carefully.

News Updates :

26/1/97 : I'm sorry sorry for the Bugs in TTransitionEffect v. 2.0, I've fixed them in version 2.1.
26 /1/97 : I've ended my Twin95dirCmb project due to the fact that I suddenly realised that I would have to create a win95 File List box to make it work. It's just to much work. Next project to complete : TAdvancedImage.
15/3/97 : I'm stalling the TadvancedImage release. This component is probably going to be part of the shareware Multimedia package I'm going to release.





does bitmap transitions (e.g. : slides, stretches, zoom,...) bugfix


an improved version of the label Control, features : Shadows, gradient text and more.


an improved version of the image Control, Features : transparency, zooming and more.

These are all the components I've made or am making. I update the list on an irregular basis so keep a watch on this page.

* UC stands for : Under Construction wich means I'm still developping / Planning this Control.

If you have any suggestions for other Components, or improvements on the current, please (E-)mail them to me and I'll see whether I'm good enough to make them.



If you have already DownLoaded controls from the internet, you'll probably hate this part  ( I sure do ). Anyway, I need it to be able to sleep, so here it comes :

The Author can in no way be held responible for any damage and/or data loss caused by the use of any of the software he developped. Use at your own risk.

If it's any help, I didn't have the least bit of trouble with any of 'the software I created' nor did my friends who tested it. If you happen to find a bug, please tell me and I'll try to fix it.

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