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New! Index of useful literature

New! Basic Stamp 1 divided by four ST1-64 code version 2 available online!

High Language Interpreters Club for Microcontrollers

This page is dedicated to the people that are interested in building, testing, and using various higher language interpreters for Microchip PIC processors.

Club Membership

Club Membership is currently unavailable.

Reverse Engineering Disclaimer

The club will not support any software or hardware development, based on the reverse engineering (i.e. "poping") of read-protected chips. This prohibited techniques also include using non-standard environmental conditions (e.g. non standard voltage, frequency, or temperature) for reading otherwise unreadable data from hardware modules or chips.

Current project CORE ST1-64 ver2.0

An older project BS/4 - Basic Stamp Divided By Four by Antti Lukats

Other project - Picaro by Tom Napier

light_bullet Other project - Tiny51 Basic presented by Dontronics

Implementation error report

PIC and Basic Stamp Books

BASIC Stamp / Stamp 2 / SX

Microchip PIC

Easy PIC'n: A Beginners Guide to Using PIC16/17 Microcontrollers from Square 1
David Benson; June 1999; Square One Electronics

PIC'n Up Pace: An Intermediate Guide to Using PIC Microcontrollers from Square 1
David Benson; June 1999; Square One Electronics

Serial PIC'n: PIC Microcontroller Serial Communications
Roger L. Stevens; May 3, 1999

PIC'n Techniques, PIC Microcontroller Applications Guide
David Benson; January 1, 1999

PIC: Your Personal Introductory Course
John Morton; August 1998; Newnes

Design With PIC Microcontrollers
John B. Peatman; November 1997; Prentice Hall

Microcontroller Cookbook: PIC & 8051
Mike James; November 4, 1997; Butterworth-Heinemann

Programming and Customizing the PIC Microcontroller (Book+Disk)
Michael Predko; September 1997; McGraw-Hill

Atmel AVR

Programming and Customizing the AVR Microcontroller (Book+CD)
Dhananjay V. Gadre; January 2000; McGraw-Hill

AVR RISC Microcontroller Handbook
Claus Kuhnel; September 1998; Newnes

Handbook of Microcontrollers (Re 8051, 68HC05, Atmel AVR, PIC, Stamp, +CD)
Michael Predko; July 1998; McGraw Hill

light_bullet Basic Stamp Documentation and Links


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