Background Image Selection Pages

If you already know how to install an "image background" you can just go ahead and "browse" the images available.

There are approximately 200 background image files in this section. Just wait for the images to completely load before making a selection.

To view the image as a "background" CLICK on the image "sample" and it will expand giving you a "full-width" display. Additionally there will be an overlay which will allow you to view some "contrasting colors" for use as TEXT and LINKS.

How to Make the Image a Background

Often people attempt to install an image as a background and are at a loss as to the correct HTML to do so. It is a rather simple manipulation and only requires the ADDITION of the "attribute" BACKGROUND="image.gif OR .jpg" to the CURRENT tag of the document in which you want the image to become the background.

Every document normally has a <BODY> tag which is used to define various attributes of the document. This is an EXAMPLE: <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#0000B0" LINK="#FF0000" ALINK="#000000" VLINK="#0000B0" BACKGROUND="image.gif"> NOTE:In the above "BODY" tag BOTH the "background color" (BGCOLOR) and the "background image" (BACKGROUND) are used. The inclusion of both is INTENTIONAL because some browsers DO NOT support images AND some people "surf" with the images turned "OFF." By including BOTH the "color and image" you allow the viewer to have either a selected color or image. This AVOIDS the viewer's browser from displaying the regular "grey" background which appears when there is NOTHING defined for the background. Imagine what the page would look like if your background were of a color upon which you used GREY TEXT! The viewer would see NOTHING. Likewise, it allows slow-loading modems to display some color which will let the view know something is yet to be revealed.

The LINK to the background selections is below; hope you find something to your satisfaction!


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