Installing the Scroller.class Java Applet

It seems a lot of people want "Scrolling Text" on their webpage. This "scroller" applet is easy to install and configure as well as offers many features others do not. The example above is very easy to configure and uses the following HTML: <CENTER> <APPLET CODE="Scroller.class" WIDTH=400 HEIGHT=30 ALT="applet"> <PARAM NAME="BORDER" VALUE="3"> <PARAM NAME="BACKGROUND" VALUE="#238E23"> <!--<PARAM NAME="PICTURE" VALUE="">--> <PARAM NAME="FOREGROUND" VALUE="#FF0000"> <PARAM NAME="SLEEPTIME" VALUE="20"> <PARAM NAME="SCROLLTEXT" VALUE="Welcome! This an example of the type of scrolling text you can have on your webpage. Just DOWNLOAD the applet zip file and install... It's really quite easy!"> <PARAM NAME="SCROLLBY" VALUE="1"> <PARAM NAME="SHADOW" VALUE="TRUE"> </APPLET> </center>

Configuration notes:

Install the Scroller.class applet in the same directory as the HTML document it is used with.

The WIDTH and HEIGHT of the applet can be changed to what you want. Experiment for best look.
The size of the "border" can be modified by changing the pixel value.
The "background" color can be changed by changing the HEX value.
The "picture" can be use to insert a "background image" in the scroller by inserting a "gif or jpg" image file.
The "foreground" or TEXT color can be changed by changing the HEX value.
The "sleeptime" or "rest time" before scrolling can be set.
The "scrolling text" can be changed to whatever you wish by inserting it between the "quotations."
The "scrollby" can be changed to speed up or slow down the speed by changing the value.
The "shadow" for the TEXT can be set to "true or false" as you choose.

Click here to download the Scroller ZIP file

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