The Banner Rotator

The banner you see above is one of six (6) currently placed in a Javascript rotation script. The images you use can be of any size so long as you define the "height" and "width" in the proper location within the script. Each time the page is "entered" a different banner in the rotator will appear.

The Javascript Banner Rotator will accept both "stationary" and "animated GIFs" or "JPG" images.

Additionally, the script is written to be "automatically" CENTERED in the area where it is installed. If you want to modify the horizontal placement of the banner you can DELETE the "centering" tags and leave them BLANK. This will align the banners to the LEFT.

To align the banners to the RIGHT you can REPLACE the "centering" tags and replace the FIRST HTML tag with <P ALIGN=right>.

Copy & paste the following Javascript in the <BODY> section of your document where you wish the banners to be located. <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> /*Banner rotator compliments of ghost, © 1999 */ <!-- Begin var how_many_ads = 5; var now = new Date() var sec = now.getSeconds() var ad = sec % how_many_ads; ad +=1; if (ad==1) { txt="Matt's Paintball Page"; url=""; alt="banner"; banner="mattbanner.gif"; width="468"; height="60"; } if (ad==2) { txt="The HTML Help Page"; url=""; alt="banner"; banner="gobanner.gif"; width="250"; height="69"; } if (ad==3) { txt="1 Cool Helper's Help Page"; url=""; alt="banner"; banner="coolbanner1.gif"; width="468"; height="60"; } if (ad==4) { txt="Click-O-Mania"; url=""; alt="banner"; banner="clickoban.gif"; width="468"; height="60"; } if (ad==5) { txt="Gussie's Page"; url=""; alt="banner"; banner="Animation1.gif"; width="468"; height="60"; } document.write('<center>'); document.write('<a href=\"' + url + '\" target=\"_new\">'); document.write('<img src=\"' + banner + '\" width=') document.write(width + ' height=' + height + ' '); document.write('alt=\"' + alt + '\" border=0><br>'); document.write('<small>' + txt + '</small></a>'); document.write('</center>'); // End --> </SCRIPT>

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