Webpage Building

Webpage building seems to be something an awful lot of people want to do right now. I see so many NEW webpages every day and each is a reflection of the individual who is responsible for its construction. Some webpages are "outstanding," while others are not so great. Regardless of the webpage quality and design you can just bet the person who built it is very "satisfied" by the fact THEY built it!

Often people venture into webpage building with NO plan or idea of "what" or "how" to be successful. Some just want to "tinker" with a webpage and others are "serious" in everthing they do.

Before you start there are a few things you may want to consider:

Do I Use a PageBuilder or Learn HTML?

I have some thoughts on building Webpages which you might like to consider. Of course, when we first begin to build a webpage we are "anxious" to see the results. That anxiety often causes us to look for either the FASTEST or EASIEST method to produce the page. I can understand that feeling because I felt it too!

There are hundreds of Editors today which offer you the "quickest, easiest, best," way to produce webpages in a "minimum" of time. Some of those editors are quite "slick" and can be useful in many ways. However, no matter which editor you choose, there is NO SUBSTITUTE for knowledge of the HTML Language.

Every editor which offers speed and ease of page construction comes with the inherent problem of "ERRORS!" What do you do when you encounter an error after following the instructions available for using the editor? Perhaps that's why you find yourself at these HTML Help Pages or investing time in searching "high and low" through many "help sites" for answers to remedy the errors.

Warning about GeoCities Pagebuilder!

The GeoCities Pagebuilder is an automatic webpage-maker and is most frequently prone to 'errors' of all sorts. It's reliability as to 'availability' is ridiculously LOW. The amount of time you will spend trying to learn to use it is HIGH. The results are, at best, very difficult to edit or change. It cannot be used with AOL's browser and is incompatible with the MacIntosh computer. It operates sporadically with the MS Internet Explorer browsers but is somewhat more reliable with the Netscape browsers.

Unless you want to be FOREVER "tied" to Help Pages and Help Chats for answers, you should consider; "do I want to be able to produce a webpage over which I have control?" If you do:

Learning HTML Seems So Difficult!

Learning the HTML Language is NOT a difficult task! Within a few hours you can easily learn enough HTML to construct a very nice webpage. You will not only have the ability to better control the display of information and graphics on your page but you will have the satisfaction of knowing YOU made the entire page without "automation."

As with anything you learn which is entirely NEW, you'll feel "lost" and "dismayed" at times. That's to be expected and should only encourage you to continue. Just don't give up!

You're most likely at this Help Page because you REALLY want to build a webpage or you've encountered a problem and need some "help" or "clarification" regarding some webpage building aspect. You took the time to visit here to "continue" your building of a webpage...not to STOP.

Where Can I Learn HTML?

There are many websites which explain Basic HTML. I suggest you should complete the HTML Primers at HTML Goodies.

You can use Windows Notepad, any simple text editor or even a word processor to write the files for your webpages. Just remember to save them with an .html extension. The FIRST webpage of every website MUST be named 'index.html' in lowercase letters. After that, you can name them whatever you want so long as they are saved as .html files. Windows Notepad can be located on your PC under Program Files/Accessories/Notepad.

Good luck and have FUN!

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