Installing a Geocities Guestbook

Many people like having a Guest Book so the visitors to their pages can leave comments about the webpages. GeoCities offers a GuestBook which can be easily installed and initialized.

To install and initialize the GeoCities Guest Book on your pages click on the below link and follow instructions carefully and correctly. It is particularly important that you ensure you fill out the guestbook form and place the required HTML tags given for the guestbook exactly as instructed. You can begin the installation by going to this page. GuestBook

Customizing the Guestbook

You may wish to customize your guestbook with a colored background or use an image as a background. Also, you might like to add music in the form of a Midi file. The following will help to guide you through this process.

When you installed your Guestbook you used the HTML tags:

<a href="/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/ans_entry">Sign Guestbook</a> to install the file in which the visitors sign, and <a href="geobook.html">View Guestbook</a> where the visitors can view the Guestbook.

In "setting-up" the Guestbook in the Guestbook Manager you entered information and determined how you wanted to ask for the data to be entered in the Guestbook. At the same time as you "accepted" the format you decided upon and submitted it, you caused two files to be generated which were added to your File Directory in the File Manager. Those files are "addbook.html" and "geobook.html." The "addbook.html" is the file in which the data is entered or "signed." The "geobook.html" is the file in which the entered data is displayed or "viewed."

To customize the "sign" file it is necessary to "edit" the addbook.html. During the editing it is IMPERATIVE you understand that file is accessed via the /cgi-bin/ and requires that you enter the "full address" of the location of the image, sound and other files you wish to use to within that document. You must take that into account and include the "pathway" to the files you want displayed within that document.

To costomize the "view" file it is necessary to "edit" the geobook.html. To edit that file it is only necessary to use the pathway for the files as you would in the normal display or use of the files in a regular document. Because the file does NOT use the /cgi-bin/ and is access directly from the location in which it resides.

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