Basic HTML tags for a webpage

If you are going to use the Advanced Editor or need to know what the "basic" HTML tags for all webpages are, this page should help you understand. If you need further explanation you need to consult an HTML Tutorial.

Every HTML document should include the following "tags:"

<html> <head><title>Title of the page to appear at the top of the browser</title> </head>

The first tag at the top of each HTML document is the "html" tag. The other tags include the "head" and "title" tags. Each type has an "opening" and a "closing" tag. The closing tag for the "html" tag is at the END of the document.

The next tag to include is the "body" tag:

<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#0000B0" link="#FF0000" Alink="#000000" Vlink="#0000B0" background="image.gif">

There are "attributes" inside the body tag which perform different functions. The "bgcolor" attribute controls the background color of the page and should always be included in case the visiting browser does not support images or the browser has the image display turned OFF. The bgcolor utilizes the HEX color coding for display under normal circumstances.

The "text" attribute controls the text color.

The "link" attribute controls the link color "before" activation.

The "Alink" attribute controls the link color "while" the link is being activated.

The "Vlink" attribute controls the link color "after" activation.

The "background" attribute controls the addition of an "image" to be used for the page background. The image file can be either in a .gif or .jpg format. The background is "tiled" (the image file will be used multiple times to completely cover the background) so the use of a "photo" type image file is difficult unless it is small enough to be "tiled" and look pleasing. A large photo file will NOT look good most times.

</body> Closes the "body" of the document.

</html> Closes the "document" itself.

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