Political Writings

History, Myths and Legends Teaching


The Reigns of War, 1992 by Del Ashkewe

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History, Myths and Legends

Have you ever wondered what the differences between Myths, Legends and History are?

Myths are the oral or written records of original Native teachings based on universal truth, remnants of spiritual incites gleaned by Native People, through their continual observations of nature. Myths are used to convey to the Native People, the purpose of life, universal truth and the laws of nature. Laws based on truth made visible through the enfolding actions of the universal forces of nature, actions which dictate the relationship of all living things and establish the Spiritual Perfection of Creation and the Omnipotence of The Great Spirit of God through their purifying actions. Myths hold knowledge that verifies Native perceptions of God as the Great Spirit which flows through every living thing in the universe. Myths are based on universal truth established by God through Creation. Myths contain the convictions of Native People, convictions, which uphold the laws of nature and maintain the universal harmony set in motion by the Creator God from the beginning of time, for all time. Myths contain exact descriptions of the spiritual oneness of life being the loving nature of God, verifying to Native People, their view of God as the Grand Father and Protector of all living things, is True.

Myths are the oral records of Native People, containing the Stories of Creation, the Origins of Mankind and the heroic tales of the lesser gods regarding the early beginnings of the world. Myths are moral stories containing rites of passage based on true pride and spiritual descent, given to the initiates entering Tribal Societies. Myths contain tales of courage to enable the young through knowledge to accept the responsibilities that would define their lives as adult human beings. Myths gave the young knowledge that would fill their lives with meaning and purpose, causing in them a spiritual strength that would never fail them in times of need. Myths are stories of faith, which open the eyes of everyone to truth and enable them, to become who they truly are. Myth is knowledge that holds the power to dispel all mysticism and mystery. Mysticism and Mystery were caused by the thousands of years of intrigue and conspiracy committed by civilised men to build personal empires, misleading other men of the conceptual greatness of civilisation through misnomer, the assignment of wrong names to ill conceived concepts that cause others to confuse fallacy for truth, and mislead others by falsely representing destructive ideals. Myths contain the true beliefs and spiritual strength that all conquering Nations want nullified and erased from the collective memories of the Human Race. A world brought forth through treachery and deception is an illusion and can be destroyed through Truth.

Myths in a looser or altered sense of the word become invented or fabulous stories, stories of fiction that are non-existent in fact. The meaning of the word myth was altered by Empire Builders to cast doubt and darkness on the truth conveyed through myths. The true meaning of the word myth was made meaningless, to be-little the knowledge Native People had given to them by God, through the natural forces of nature, condemning Native Spiritual Concepts as ignorance, and Native Societies as inferior and undeveloped. Myths were touted by the Empire Builders as the ignorance of primitive man, obstructing the intellectual growth of Mankind and expansion of civilisation. Enabling the conquering nations to portray tribal leaders as the enemies of civilisation and progress. A ploy continually used by church and state to increase ignorance among their own, and promote civilisation as the saving grace of Mankind and the intellectual height of Human development.

The concealment of destructive ideals and the concepts needed in the promotion of greed and conquest creates the need of adding new connotations to the true meanings of words. "It is not what you say, it is how you say it". Dialectics is the art of creating false forms of reasoning through the manipulation of the true meaning of words so as to make fallacy appear to be truth. It is for this reason the new connotation of "living" is created through its attachment to the word "language". "Living Languages" infer that these particular languages are special languages, containing the vitality needed for growth and development, implying superiority through inherent cultural potential. This inference when taken further implies that other languages are inferior and stagnant, because they do not contain the vitality needed for the growth and development of civilised forces among their people, when the Creator is the source of all languages. What Native languages do not contain, are the concepts needed to perpetuate the ideals on which civilisation is based. By retaining the original meanings of their words, Native languages interfere with the total conversion of Native People, to the ethics of civilised man.

The inference that Native languages are stagnant is used as a base to undermine Native languages and target Native cultures for destruction. The insinuation that Native languages lack vitality destroys the confidence of the young of their own culture, to provide for their intellectual and spiritual growth. Causing shame in the young for the culture they were born into, making the young cynical of the values of their own culture, causing them to become envious of a culture belonging to those who would see their people destroyed. The envy of an enemy's culture and language does not bode strength for your Nation, for the assimilation of your enemy's values into your culture, weakens your culture and bodes disaster. When the young abandon the cultural values of their own people by adopting the fabricated ideals and convictions of their enemy, they become their own enemy and agents of their own destruction. This historic tactic of conquest calls for the use of your people in the destruction of their own culture. A Nation that adopts the ideals and convictions of another Nation in place of their own; is a Conquered Nation.

True myths defamed and slandered as false by the wordsmiths of history, are now regarded as stories about events that never happened, in places that never existed, in times that never were. History is not about intellectual growth or spiritual development but the destruction of languages and cultures for profit. Words were once sacred and concepts were based on Truth. Historians, ethnologist, archaeologist, and cartographers are framers of time and events, Creator's of Myth, who gather together several parts of different stories, about events, which were to have happened within a specific place and time in history. They create their own truth to validate concepts of what 'must' have taken place, as they are not usually eyewitnesses or participants but are commissioned on the basis of their bias. Inventing and omitting vital information, they alter circumstances to validate lies of historic proportion, regarding minor events. Lies are constructed by fitting together unrelated information, weaving a specified falsehood; to match the needs needed to achieve a seemingly historical and authentic end. This on-going attempt at altering and destroying the value of Native Mythology ever increases in effort, through time. A lie grows greater, to the point that you cannot conceal that it is a lie.

This manufacturing of fabulous myths-of-origin for other races, is used to elevate the origins of ones own race; such as the Native People of the Americas crossing the Bering Strait and waiting until they hit the ideal conditions of Central America before building a society that was greater than that of Egypt. A fallacy based on the ill conceived notion that one could promote the idea that all of humanity had originated in the Indus Valley spanning outward from the birth place of the Aryan race, to spread the ideals of civilisation round the Earth. This is an arrogance, that the direct descendants of this race wished the scientific community of the world to validate, so they might present it to the rest of world as a 'scientifically' accepted finding. Creating validation through their invented 'science', that this race of men and only this race of man from which the beginnings of civilisation sprang, spanned out-ward to populate all of Earth. This is an arrogant claim to superior intelligence contradicting the Vatican lie that the Americas were not populated by Human Beings at all, that the Native People were animals, a myth made to steal the uninhabited lands of the Americas, concocted by the Vatican, to launched a European crusade of conquest, into the Americas.

Legends are traditional stories of marvellous character recounting the deeds and bravery of saintly men or characters, used to inspire people to do good and saintly deeds and instil in children, pride and the desire to follow in the foot-steps of their heroic trek to salvation. Legends are non-historical narratives, originally applied to the lives of Saints and other Great Spirits, which had to be read or listened to, as a religious duty. In an effort to find commonality on first contact, Europeans applied the label of 'Legends' to Native stories recounting the exemplary lives and deeds of animals, human beings, and the natural spirit's of God. Legends were tales given to the Native People by the Creator to bring balance and maintain harmony, reminding all Native People of the respect needed so they would live in Oneness with All Life. Legends taught all people that every living thing was a Child of God, with purpose. A good legend was told in such a way, that no matter the age of the listener, they would understand aspects of the spiritual teachings contained in the legend, depending on the individual's level of spiritual understanding.


History is the recording of wrongs committed by men against other men, and the records of the evil concepts and immoral ideals with which the Empire Builders try to destroy the Natural Families of God. The teaching of Historic events perpetuates these wrongs, re-enforcing them. Sins, in the World of Man, are never forgiven nor forgotten. History validates racial hatred, verifying its necessity through historic record. History is intended to causing false pride in the children of the victor and shame in the children of the victims of History. They are victims, for they were chosen by the victors for victimisation in wars caused through greed and envy, for property rights and material gain. History is not the stuff of legend, for legend is made of sterner stuff, legend is of chivalry and saintliness. History contains no holy deeds nor moral values, it is filled with the principles of heresy, biased fallacious documents authored by the Roman Catholic Church, therefore it is of myth in this matter.

Recorded history is a tool of conquest, a guidebook containing the policies of Imperialist expansionism used in wars fought by world governments and corporate empires for control and dominance over their adversaries in a race for position and power, in a One World Empire. The near completion of an Imperialist ideal begun during the thirteenth century and now within reach of its ultimate form and structure. Imperialism, labelled the New World Order, seeks to gain the confidence of the wealthy upper classes, implying the security of their wealth is assured and secure, using the participation of the like minded middle class in their own destruction, who when objectives are completed, will be the first to disappear beneath the boot of the truly rich and powerful. A policy of genocide used throughout history to eliminate of the middle classes and establish a highly visible dividing line between the selected rich and the common poor. The very existence of a middle class is seen as an unwarranted concession of power to those of lesser status by all ruling classes. The New World Order is a megalomaniac's dream which when analysed adds up to the same old thing, forced labour and accountability of the masses to just "the Few". We say this in all kindness to the middle classes 'be wary' at this juncture in time, for you are between a rock and a very hard place.

History is a record of how corporate empires and world governments have dealt with Native Peoples in their efforts to amass greater and greater wealth and the devious schemes they used to secure it. As in all injustices carried out by world governments, truth is the first casualty. Falsehoods are contrived and truths are twisted to criminalize the chosen victims of their conquest, a procedure used time and again by all world governments to justify their unwarrantable attacks, on peaceful nations in those lands where they intend to establish their outposts or empires. Tried and true tactics devised and used by, The Roman Catholic Church, during The Crusades in the eleventh century A. D. and perfecting them during the thirteenth century to recruit the wealthy for financial investment and to secure the participation of the gullible and the ignorant in their expansionist ventures in the Americas. The Roman Catholic Church is one of the wealthiest corporations in the world because of them. History is a record of betrayal.

History is a behavioural science developed by conquerors to instil in the minds of their young the righteousness of conquering all the Native People of Earth, for the betterment of Mankind through the salvation of Native Souls, through the destruction of pagan societies and the improvement of their lives through their forced introduction to civilisation. History is filled with righteous excuses for the rape and murder of Native Peoples. The Science of History is that it is designed to shame Native Children and cause pride in the Children of the conquering nations. The Teaching of History, forces you and your children to recall the names of conquerors(Columbus) and empire builders by presenting them as heroic and good. It is introduced to young children through compulsory courses in schools, to ensure their acceptance and participation in the wrongful theft of Native Lands and Resources, the world over, when they mature. It is the introduction of the mass murder of people, presented as heroic and the grand theft of their lands and resources as a right/rite of heritage. This science is introduced to them as children to ensure their desensitisation, so as adults they will participate in this carnage and destruction, without remorse.

Having you relive the past deeds of Conquerors, by presenting them as heroic and good, forces you and your children to recall the names of conquerors, thieves and mass murders, teaching you to worship them as idols, and presenting their deeds as heroic instead of as the crimes against humanity, that they are and glossing over the destruction of all living things, making everyone think that destruction is a natural state of being. You are presented with these past deeds, as something beneficial to the physical comfort of Mankind, eliminating the guilt of them, making it possible for every commoner to have the morals of a rich man and the wealth of a king, both of which gained their fortunes through the plunder of other men's rightful inheritance as Children of God and from the suffering of others. History elevates every conqueror to the status of a god by presenting the immediate gratification of greed and ambition, through mass murder and theft, as good and something everyone would want to achieve. These acts against the Native People of Earth, are the usurpation of the Power of God, for He is the one that placed and gifted the Land and Resources to all People. Not one of their acts of defiance against the Word of God, were heroic!

Material wealth was placed on the Earth so all might share in it. "Ask and you shall receive.", "Knock and the door shall be opened unto you.", "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "What you do unto the least of these, you do so unto me", this last quote serves as a warning and as an instruction. Ask yourself how insane it is, to want your children to grow up to idolize these beings and have them emulate their actions? Having your children revel in these past deeds introduces the idea that hatred and greed are morals to live by and the murder, oppression and deprivation of the small and weak are the rightful kindnesses and rewards given to the physically stronger, who have no respect for life and hold no fear of The Creator God.

History is the legitimising of crimes against humanity and the glorification of the persons who committed them, to perpetuate a world without God. History is the placing in your heart the names and deeds of conquerors, the plundering of all life, the mass murder of Native People, the theft of their homelands, the destruction and scattering of their families, the criminalization of their cultures, and the rape and violation of the Earth, their Mother.

History is idolatry promoted by the Empire Builders of the World of Man, who want you to see the thieves and mass murderers as heroic saviours of mankind and warriors of God. Recording history is a tool of conquest, as works of improvement of life on Earth, for the glorification of mankind. The entire concept of recorded history is backward, upside down, and inside out. Not one thing about it is good or correct. All conquerors and empire builders are judged by God to be evil and their deeds, to be destructive to all life. Not once did God instruct Mankind to despise or deceive one and other. He commands them over and over again, through His many Prophets, to love one and other, to share all things and to never place any other God before Him. Even His own Son, was bound by these commandments.

Not once in these Historic writings do the authors tell you or your children, "These men are condemned by God for their wilful and wicked ways. Never emulate their actions or desire to be like them. These men, without regard for life, were absolute in their destructiveness and held no respect for families Native to Earth, the true Prides and Tribal Families of God".

The acceptance of any concepts or ideals of conquest will destroy your life and the life of your family, by alienating your family from the World of the Creator. Recalling the deeds of conquerors, fill our hearts with fear and hatred. Reminding us constantly of the violence and villainy that man holds in his heart for other men. Never record the wrongs that men commit against other men, for wrongs perpetuate wrongs. By recording these wrongs, generations upon generations of Mankind, perfect even greater wrongs. When we are forced to recall the names of wrong doers, by those who choose to see the darkness of these deeds as good foundations for pride, progress and glory, we invert the reasons for their deeds in the hearts of the young and subvert the minds of their children by giving contradictory value to their words. We develop mass confusion as a means of directing and controlling their empires, presenting 'destruction' as 'progress', 'division' as 'a freedom of choice', 'plans of conquest' as 'future development', 'love' as 'weakness' and 'compromise' as an 'honourable peace process', basically surrendering All that the Creator God gave to Mankind. In the Empire Builder's deviant world of thievery, mass murder and deception, the killing of innocents is necessary, therefore justified and the enslaving of the weak profitable, therefore right. The innocents were too loving to understand or survive the premeditated onslaughts of terror.

When we as human beings are forced to recall the names of Conquerors and relive their evil deeds, taught by teachers who choose to see the evil deeds as good works, we become cynical toward our teachers, for their lack of wisdom, in causing us to become incapable of forgiving and mistrustful of one and other. This produces, yet another, new generation of unforgiving and mistrusting adults. How can we forgive one and other, when we are forced to recall and accept in pride all the wrongs we have ever committed against one and other?

Do not teach this to your Children, who are the Children of God, for it is designed to create confusion in their minds and cause uncertainty in their hearts, making them weak, unfeeling and the blinded disciples of their own enemies. When our children hold hatred in their hearts and mistake moral weaknesses as power, they wilfully become the blinded workers and agents of their own destruction. Only after an enemy has annihilated your family, will their spirits leave. Purge from your heart, mind, body and soul all thoughts of your enemy, their concepts and ideals, their morals and values, and God shall deliver you from their evil and crush their very souls. Peace.


WRITTEN BY Del Ashkewe and Paula Johnstone

also known as Immortal Thunder and Lightening Woman

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Permission is given to copy these writings provided they are left unchanged and in their entirety. June 8th,1999.

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