For Christian Eyes


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The following articles have been placed here for the Christians that are brave enough to open their minds and hearts, to other views and understanding, and for those that are not afraid to see and hear the Words and Names, of God and Jesus. I would like it known, that I respect All of the Names of God throughout the Universe and find All of them Beautiful and Full of Wisdom. I also love the Creator God's Beloved Son, Jesus and All of His other Holy Names under the Sun. I write and share these thoughts and teachings to help All of the Children of God. So if you count yourself as One of those Spirits of Light, I offer these thoughts with the best of intent and in respect, for the Spiritual Growth of All Oneness, and for the Restoration of Peace on Earth, according to Our Father's(God) Sacred and Holy Will, and for His Purpose.

Parts of these writings have been placed on the internet previously over the last couple of years in some form on other web sites. They were writings that have been needed by others with the same questions and so I have placed them here, in hope, that they will help others grow into a Greater understanding of the Creator God's All-encompassing Love.

So for Peaceful Change, Read On.

Lightening Woman


Is a maggot perfect? Is a bird of paradise perfect? Is the wheat that became your toast perfect? Is the view from the top of the mountain perfect? Are the forms of the children in the park, perfect as you drive by? Are the smiles of the ones you love perfect?

Jesus was perfect in the eyes of His Father, the Lord God Almighty. His perfection stood out above all others on the Earth, for He(Jesus) did what His Father Willed. No other scale of perfection is necessary or matters. Jesus was perfect for everything He was asked to do in Love.

Each and every person on the Earth has the same opportunity, to be Perfect, and it is only The Creator God's thought of Perfection that matters...not Mankind's warped sense of illusion.

What God loves He makes Perfect. How could a Perfect God make anything that isn't already perfect? It is only in God's love and mercy that one is made perfect. To think otherwise, would be deny Jesus's whole message and would destroy your soul. Salvation is the Path of Perfection.

Lightening Woman

P.S. I always wonder; why would so many people try to impress so many other people, when they were told that 1/3 of the people, were descended from fallen angels (demons)and now even more have fallen into darkness? These dark beings, the ones without souls, are here to lead everyone (as many as they can) to death and destruction? Would it not be better to try and impress the Lord Thy God? So wouldn't that make one want to find out, what God wants them to do today? We were told that we could have Eternal Life, Immortality. So believe it and find out how to Live in a Sacred and Holy(whole)Way. Choose Life!

Unconditional Love

I keep hearing the term "unconditional love" in conversations, I read it in magazines and come across it while surfing around on the web. I have given the phrase much thought. My conclusion is "unconditional love" is a conundrum or contradiction in terms, and a misnomer for devotion and sacrifice. This term causes confusion to many. This new-age concept is used by a large number of people who want to maintain their personal worlds. Through the use of this timely phrase, they try to persuade others, that by adopting this lax and irresponsible attitude toward love, it would further endear them to the ones, they "love unconditionally", Mankind and the Creator God. This phrase becomes an unrestricted loophole, and an excuse created to release himself or herself from having to accept criticism or having to return love to others. The necessity of returning love to others in full is considered to be time-consuming, too bothersome to carry out or repay in kind. The term "Unconditional love" has become highly marketable because, it excused everyone from having to accept criticism of any kind, or having to return favours or gifts, or having to accept responsibilities for ones actions or having to apologize to anyone for their neglect. "Unconditional love" is a phrase that leads one to believe they are going to be provided with, the perfect excuse for everything without penalty, an off-the-record, time out and pass word for all. Sold as a spiritual tool to evade any judgment, it allows everyone who believes in it, to falsely assure him or herself that it will allow them to enter Heaven's Gate. At Heaven's gate, they believe they will just waltz in, at the end of time, as a well-loved and highly respected spiritual being. Most People want to convince themselves, that they are light and others are dark. They then want others to join them in their "thinking" and assure them of their fantasies. This may be enough to insure their status in the World of Man, but words so readily misused to eliminate all conditions, will cause many people to fall from grace, "unconditionally".

In Religious and Spiritual practices, love has conditions. The Creator God wrote the "conditions" through which His Children would receive His Love and Protection. One of these writings is known as the Ten Commandments. In the Old and New Testaments of the Christian Bible, there are thousands of stories and witnesses, to the "conditions" that made the Children of God acceptable to their Father, the Creator God. The story of the Life of Jesus Christ depicts the "conditions" that God required of His Only Begotten Son. If the Creator placed "conditions" for love on to His Own Son; who are Human Beings, to infer that they can love in a better way, an "unconditional" way? Who can say they know love better, than God? Jesus had to prove His Faithfulness and Love to God. Jesus in turn, taught Mankind about the "conditions" that God set before them. He taught Mankind about the Sacrifice, Love and Acceptance, that was required so they might grow into the Spiritual Beings, they need to become. Jesus, showed them that they were Physical Beings that needed to be re-born into Spiritual Beings, to gain their eternal life. Jesus demonstrated the Way to live, Walking in the Sacred Way, of Truth, that would make Himself, Immortal and give all Mankind the same opportunity to choose to become Immortal. It was through The Christ, walking and living on the Earth, that the "conditions" His Beloved and Holy Father gave to Him, were fulfilled and through Sacrificing His Life for those weaker than Himself, He gives Mankind the Hope of Redemption today. If the Creator placed "conditions" on His Holy Son, wouldn't Human Beings expect the same treatment?

In a Spiritual context, even to Walk on a Sacred Path, one would have to understand the "conditions" that would keep them on the Path of Life. The First Nation's Spiritual Teachings of the Vision Quest or Rattlesnake share this lesson well. Even for those that know The Tao, or The Way, through Yin and Yang, know that Cause and Effect need "conditions" to exist. Every Spiritual Path carries a version of this teaching. In the Body of Consciousness, All Spirits of Oneness understand that "conditions" are needed for growth, movement and existence.

Many people have found it profitable to cater to the lusts of other people, by lying to them and finding ways to say things, they want to hear. If Truth were an easy path more people would be practising it. By changing the meaning of words through incorrect use, many hope to profit from the deception their misuse causes, hoping others do not know their true meaning. Hoping others are too occupied to realize the deception the wording of their sentence structure has caused or if they do know, they won't be courageous or petty enough to insist on their use in correct order. They also hope others do not know the true meaning of the words, so they might lead them into a verbal maze. They forget that Jesus is called "The Word" and hope to deny that the Creator God brought life into being, through the Word, and by His Command. The Word and Words of others hold the Universe together and this is demonstrated through the Power of Prayer. The use of words is not to be taken lightly, as they bring all thought into reality and their use dictate the "conditions" we live in.

Fearing rejection by taking a stand or desiring to rid themselves of responsibilities, people refuse to defend truth, and choose to accept what the majority wants to believe. To gain the undeserved respect and willing acceptance of others, they choose to compromise their lives by leaving the fundamental principals of truth behind. All of this is done to give the appearance of being open minded and friendly. People ignore that " Truth is likened unto a sword" which will cut to the heart of darkness and destroy all lies and illusions. Most Human beings want the fantasy worlds, they have built to shield them from having to hear the truth and know if they were to accept the truth, the foundations of their private worlds would crumble. What would it profit a man were he to gain the world and loose his soul? It takes courage to speak the truth.

Like God all good Parents, place "conditions" on the love they give their children. Placing or setting conditions in accordance to the Will of God and the Order of the Universe for your children, will make them aware that cultures are conditions, that are beneficial to all life. Cultural settings or conditions , which allow your children to develop and maintain the spiritual growth of their heart, mind, body and soul throughout their lives. The cultural conditions set out by God, in the order of the Universe, are conditions of enlightenment, which allow your children to cull wisdom and knowledge from the unifying spirit the natural world. These conditions of love and caring, are beneficial to health and matters of the heart. Moral conditions, that causes them to co-ordinate their lives in the rhythm and harmony of the natural world and make reality matter. Spiritual conditions, are that which allow children to know right from wrong, teaching them to have the courage of their convictions, and to never compromise, in matters of the soul. It is easier to love and respect people that have faith in the "conditions" that God set out.

Unfortunately, we have witnessed what happens to those that live by the concept of "unconditional love". It is the cause of the Chaos we now live in. The Word, "unconditional" is employed to encourage that which has no conditions, no responsibilities, and no limitations, in relation to time or space. This new-age concept "Unconditional Love" is illogical and immoral. Most People mistake the term "unconditional Love" to mean "absolute love", hoping that if you love them, you will not expect love nor expect respect, from them in return. This term is an excuse, not, to fulfill the "conditions" love requires, while professing that it is the ultimate proof of ones love for them. Unconditional Love is selfishness, taken to its extreme, and true love, is selfless.

True Love requires Wisdom, Respect, Faith, Sharing, and will bring you Peace and Harmony.

Love Always and Live Forever!

Lightening Woman

The Spirit of Evil, D-Evil

One needs to know who and what the Spirit of their Enemy is, so they can Name it or them and DEFEAT it or them.

So I thought I might share my understanding of the 'devil'. I understand it as De means of, simplified that is D=of and the word Evil is just what it implies. The Devil is the Being that takes on the evil spirits of man, not the evil spirits of one man, all the spirits of evil, or weakness, of Mankind...thereby this devil becomes the Supreme Spirit of Evil. In the Beginning, it is said that this evil spirit did not even have and name, for no one wanted to know him. Names are earned and hold titles, filled with purpose. Yet, as time went by and more mortals re-called or re-membered (joined) him, they started to give him, the evil one, names. One such name was the word Devil, which seems to come from the old English word of Deofol, a "god of the fall" which implies a deo or dios "god" or dia 'across, apart'. The word "diabolos" was given this evil one by the Greeks, which means "accuser, slanderer". In Spanish the devil is known as "diablos". The fol, in Deofol, means fall, which means to "commit sin". So the one that commits the first sin, the accuser that was first "self-willed"(another definition of a devil) was given the name of "The Devil". It is also the Spirit of the Village or the; I believe the Devil is the one that takes on all the evil spirits of the World of evil and very weak (never will evil prevail over love) being. At this time there seems to be a contest going on between many Men and Women, to see who can be more evil than the other. The Devil is the one that wins the most evil spirits to his side. They share in their thoughts of darkness and become one consuming spirit of destruction. Ask yourself "How much do I feed this evil spirit, through my thoughts and actions?"

So if all of Mankind were to get rid of their evil thoughts and actions, the Devil would be Powerless! And then non-existent! So think and act in Love and let your Lights Shine! The more that think in a GOOD and SACRED WAY, sharing thoughts of LOVE, the quicker we can defeat evil and RESTORE HEAVEN ON EARTH!!!!

Walk in Beauty!!!

Just my thoughts, shared in Love, Peace!

Lightening Woman

Conquered by Christianity????

(this was part of a response to someone who felt that Christians had a right to conquer others, especially those they considered to be Pagan)

Does not the Creator of All Life, God, love that which He created? Do you only see the Sun as a Scientific "Ball of Gasses"? Could it be that the Creator placed Spiritual Teachings in All that He created? Even in the Sun itself? Could not the Sun, be the Creator God's Soul? Have you never given thought to the possibility that the Universal Body or Universe, is the Physical Body of the Creator God? Can you not understand that without the Light of the Sun, we would not be here, to share our thoughts on the life we see, that is lit by the Great Sun in the Sky? Do you not know that the name for the Sun comes from the word Sol-a Latin word for Sun; giving one a big hint, that the Sun, is the Sol/Soul of the Creator God? Do you not equate light with wisdom? Are you so linear and brainwashed in your thinking, that you can't see that the "People" in the World, Heads of Church and Governments, might not want you to see the World of the Creator GOD in All it's beauty, power and meaning. Could it be that they want to keep you in darkness, so they can manipulate you and yours? Were you not warned about following Mortals, Fallen Angels and False Prophets? Would that warning not make you a questor for the deeper truths and a seeker of wisdom?

Freedom of thinking is not the make-up of good slaves. This is why some Beings continue to pick on Pagans (Pagan being any one that doesn't belong to an "approved government" Religion or a "Church-going" Christian or one that does not think in a box). Pagans seem to have a greater understanding about their relationships to All Life and some of them understand their relationship to God. Pagans do not worship or pray to trees! They understand that the tree is a thought and spirit of God, created by God and therefore holds many teachings and/or thoughts of God, seeing God's Holy Spirit reflected in all the actions of the Natural World. Reading God's thoughts is having Spiritual Vision. It seems that most Pagans (Nature-lovers) look deeper to find the meanings that God placed in all the living things He created. They honour God by learning to 'read' (understand) His thoughts. Jesus looked to see the deeper meaning in all things too, for example; teaching through parables, and using metaphors, he taught about the mustard seed, the yeast, the grapevine, the lamb, and wolf, etc. All of these Natural Beings are also Children of God and no less loved by God.

You said," Surely paganism was to be conquered by Christianity, and not merely replacing the doctrines responsible for a pagan practice with that of Christianity, while allowing the practices to prevail."

It is typical of some 'Christians' to think that they were given the right to conquer others and destroy the life that God made for everyone to share in. That is the 'Christian attitude' that brought massacres after massacre, to millions of Native People the World over. Christ has nothing to do with this attitude. Jesus loved and died for All Life, not just for the ones that think like you! Or look like you! Or speak like you! This attitude of the right to conquer others comes from the Fallen Angels (War Mongers) and has to do with the World of Man. The World of Man believes they have the right to destroy All of Creation, the Creation that my Father God made. God gave dominion; meaning one was to look after, All or Every Living thing in one's domain, kingdom, or indigenous territory.

You had better start thinking, for yourself and not be brainwashed by your Churches and Governments! Judgment will soon be upon you. What you hold in your mind and heart for others, is the (karmic) justice you will receive! "Love Thy neighbour, as Thy self!"

You need to grow, in your thoughts. If you want to know how a butterfly or tree can teach you, for they are thoughts and spirits of God, then read or re-read those teachings found in our web site.

In sharing, for growth and understanding, Peace!

by Lightening Woman

The Sun, Agents and One God

I am happy to see that you understand that the Sun, created by God, has been revered by followers of God, since the beginning of time. Notice, how the Sun has many different names, in the same way as God has many different names, "according to what their minds in time, were capable of accepting." My People call God, "The One and Only". We know that the Sun is God's Soul, shining with love and life for All that He created. That is why the stars are sols (Latin) and this is where the words for the Solar (Sol- ar, Sol- our) System, stems from. Soul/Sole/Sol are three levels of consciousness or understanding that we have for that one Star, the Sun. We understand that the Universe is the Body of God and we are just one very small part in it. The Sun gives life, through light, to All of the Children of Earth. Without the Sun, no one would be here discussing the Sun, sole support of Earth, sol body of light, and soul of the Creator God of the Universe.

At this time we (Mankind), have become the Parasites of Destruction, existing through our desires, mouthing our reasons, trying to justify our actions, while continuing to invent various methods of evil, to more efficiently destroy God's Heart, the Earth. It is not the Creator God that is causing the pains and sorrows on Earth. Why would any thinking being, destroy their heart? Hearts are needed to feel the passion and love necessary to care for life. Most of Mankind, has hardened their hearts to love, replacing love with cynicism, sarcasm, and outright hatred, to the place in time which was long ago predicted, where "men's hearts would stop in their chests" -heart attacks and now we are at a point in time where men walk with no hearts (Mechanical Heart) in their chests, making the phrase "walking dead" a reality. The Heart of the Universe, the Earth, is the Creator God's Heart of Love and is the place where once, loves abound. When the Earth or Heart was young, thoughts of Paradise was made manifest, for all loving spirits to enjoy. As the Hearts of Mankind strayed from the Holy Thoughts of God and became more willful, the lack of love held in hearts became apparent, passing from one spirit to another, a disease manifesting and growing greater, till the Heart became the sad and terror-filled World that Mankind now forces on each other, to the point where drugs are needed to soothe the ache that reaches out to engulf us all. In order for healing to come to the Heart and our World, we need to see how our unforgiving thoughts need to change and thoughts of love for life, need/knead to be shared with one and other. One needs to feel Love and envision Paradise, Heaven on Earth, to heal all hearts and only then will the Heart of Heaven rejoice! Know this, the Creator God will not let His Heart, the Earth be destroyed, but He will allow the cleanse and re-alignment of all destructive Parasites (those that can not love) and Re-align all Thoughts (all that He created). So hold love in your heart for All Life, so we can heal the Earth, Heart of the Universe and each other.

Those missionaries that you mentioned, many of them are agents for secular and religious governments and not truly, working for God. Every time someone opens their mouth, they are promoting something and are agents for someone. They are either agents for the World of the Creator or the Governments of Man. They cannot be both. So many are used and have not gained a true understanding of the Creator God's Holy Words. Secular Words emanating from the ambitions of Man, are unholy and Spiritual Words that emanate from the Will of God are Holy. What better way to disturb a foreign government? Send in foreign doctrines guised as the Creator's Will, through fervent agents of God, to disturb People from within their own territory and divide families with new doctrines, and they will destroy each other. Then the new and ready foreign government can gallop in "to save them" from each other and look like "the heroes". Families are always disturbed and destroyed from within. People need to look and really see what is going on. One needs to understand at deeper levels and without the "emotion of their personal world." Who gave these so-called missionaries the right to destroy the Families of God; the Families that God placed together? Jesus said to share His Message, not to force it down Peoples throats! God even said He would choose those that He calls. Never was sharing, likened to force. The message was to be shared in Love, and not to cause harm but to help others build better "spiritual lives". That did not mean that everyone had to except everyone else's views about "material possessions" or accept their version of "acceptable government" based on "economic and financial considerations". The "Christians" should look to unifying and correcting their own families, so they can be an example of the love they preach. America is supposed to be full of "Christians" but they cannot even get along with their own kind, and that is why there are so many doctrinal differences between congregations. So, does the "Christian" World really know what is better for others?

Believe in One Creator God, but know that other People know Him with a different perspective, and hold Him with the same Reverence and Awe! There are many Sacred Understandings and they all should lead to the same Sacred Path or Holy the Creator God's Sacred and Holy Road, that He Wills for each and everyone today.

Learn to Walk in Love and Light, Respecting All Others!

Lightening Woman

Paula Johnstone

For more teachings or workshop information, write: Meshu Peshu Productions, Box #98135, 970 Queen St. East, Toronto, Ontario.
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