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Vegetarianism Frequently Asked Questions

by Michael Traub

Archive-Name: vegetarian/faq
Last-Modified: 23 Mar 1994
This list is posted at the beginning of each month. The expiration date is set to the first of the following month, so this file should always be available (most sites). Requests for it to be mailed to you are welcomed. The keeper of the FAQ wishes to thank everyone who contributed to this list -- your help was greatly appreciated.

Suggestions, comments, additions and constructive criticisms can be mailed to: Michael Traub,

If you send me something, and I don't respond, and I don't include it in the next edition, don't hesitate to write again, to see if I "lost" your mail. I usually include everything that is sent to me in one way or another.


  1. Definitions
    1. Words Frequently Used in
    2. Other Confusing Terms
    3. Terms Confused with Vegetarianism

  2. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. What is gelatin? Is there any alternative to it?
    2. What can be substituted for eggs?
    3. What is rennet? Where is it found? How can it be avoided??
    4. What is miso?
    5. What is tofu?
    6. What is tempeh?
    7. What is TVP?
    8. What is seitan?
    9. Can you feed a cat a vegetarian diet? a dog?
    10. What is nutritional yeast? / Which ones provide B12?
    11. Are there vegan marshmallows available?
    12. What airlines serve vegetarian meals?
    13. Should I be worried about getting enough protein on a vegetarian diet?
    14. What about Vitamin B12 on a vegan diet?
    15. How is "vegan" pronounced?
    16. Can I eat at fast food places like McDonalds or Taco-Bell?
    17. Is maple syrup vegan?

  3. Other Sources on the Net
    1. FTP Sites
    2. Listservers
    3. World Guide to Vegetarianism
    4. Newsgroups and Their Archives

  4. Addresses and Phone Numbers
    1. Vegetarian and Vegan Groups
    2. Cruelty-Free Products Information
    3. Non-Leather Products Information
    4. Mail Order Book Outlets

  5. Recommended Literature
    1. Cookbooks
    2. Non-Fiction
    3. Travel and Restaurant Books
    4. Periodicals

  6. Animal Rights Organizations

  7. Issues
    1. Rainforest Beef -- Two Views
    2. Hidden Animal Products

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