"I saw Her Standing There"

Yes, it's true...
I finally have a wink wink!

Her name is Lucille and she's a kitty web master just like me!
I've been shamelessly flirting with her for a while now, but there's been a lot of high decibal purrrring going on since she's agreed to be my wink wink!

Isn't she purrrrrty?
My Wink Wink, Lucille!
Click here to visit my true kitty wuv and find out why we have so much in common!

What we did on our spring break last year!

We enjoyed doing what cats do best!

Cat napping by day...

followed by some star gazing at night!
star crossed kitties

After enjoying a relaxing Spring, we had an action packed, fun filled summer season!
Click below to relive the adventure with us!
Dog and Lucille's fun summer trip!

It must be true love because I've been scratching her name everywhere!

First I scratched it in my post. my scratching post

Then I pounced over to the CLAW Garden and left our mark on the Wink Wink Tree!
wink wink tree carving

This year, she made a Valentine's card just for me with all of my favorite things!
lucille's Valentine's Card

Here we are on our Valentine's date!
fancy cats


Lucille's brofur, Stan, has gone and found himself a wink wink too!
Click on his picture to find out who the lucky lady is!

Dog flipping for Lucille

I love you!

Please stop back for updates on the continuing adventures of Lucille and Dog!



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