Hi and Thank You for Visiting my Little Guy's Page
This is Trouble's Tribute!

These photos were taken of Trouble his first week. His Mom's milk was bad and we tried to hand feed him but he just couldn't regain his strength. He fought a hard battle. We lost him on his second week birthday. He was such a joy and we will always remember him. This is how I like to remember him best in these pictures.
He had a short little life but he filled our hearts!

Can you believe it?
My Mom is already taking pictures of me!

Life isn't easy it's down right exhusting!
But I love to cuddle with my Mom.

As you can see I am just a little guy.
In this picture I was as small as a peanut!
I have grown a little since then.


Gee Mom why do we have to move?
This is so embarassing!
Tess ad Peluchi keep making fun of me.

Gee whiz I'll be glad when I get bigger!
See what I go through!
In case you haven't noticed my sister Tess and I are almost identical!
I'm not sure if this is a good thing or not!

Well that's it for now!
But my Mom will add new pictures I grow...Come back and check on my progress!

Muffet's In Loving Memory Award Mimi Forever

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