Would you like to read my resume in English ?


Mi chiamo Mario Paesani, sono nato a Roma nel 1946 ed ho una laurea in Scienze Statistiche ed Attuariali presa il giorno in cui Neil Armstrong e' sceso sulla luna...fatevi un po' il conto!

Lavoro dal 1984 per una societa' controllata dall' IRI. In precedenza ho lavorato per piu' di dodici anni come revisore contabile per una delle (allora chiamate) Big Eight auditing firm.
Avendo da sempre provato molto interesse per i computer (il mio primo contatto con gli elaboratori risale al lontano 1968, quando ho messo le mani sull'IBM 1620 della Facolta' di Statistica di Roma), la scoperta di Internet e' stata per me una vera attrazione fatale.
Mi auguro che chi si imbattera' nella mia homepage possa trovare interessanti e divertenti i siti proposti.


My name is Mario Paesani. I was born in Rome in 1946 and I got my degree in Statistics on the same day Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon ... make your own calculations!
I work for an Italian State-owned conglomerate with $ 10 bln revenues , since 1984 after more than twelve years spent as a Public Accountant with one of the (then called) "Big Eight" auditing firms.

My interest in computers dates from way back when....
Once upon a time, around '68, in the Statistics faculty at Rome University, there was a nice IBM 1620 who just talked Fortran 1.
It was love at first bit!!

Later I was offered a link to Internet (a new Fatal Attraction)...and now I'm a webaholic!!

I hope you will enjoy my homepage and sites linked thereto.
I welcome any of your comments & suggestions to improve my webpages.

Thanks to all...and C-U-soon in the Cyberspace.

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