The Diary of LaFrancis E. Hackett

5th Ohio Sharpshooters

February 1864


1          Recived Orders this 
           morning to start 
           at 7 o clock for Chickmauga 
           but it rand and we did 
           not start untill about 10 o 
           clock when it cleard off we 
           arived at ros vill about noon 
           and got dinner we arived on 
           the battle fiedd at 3 o clock maken
           about 20 mills
2          To day the first half of the 
           company went out burying the 
           dead they buried 10 rebls and 
           20 unions pleasant all day 
           untill night when it clouded 
           over and raind a little we 
           found sum near 
           camp and buryed them
3          To day the rest of the 
           Co went out we deployed 
           out and went out on the 
           east side of the dry valley 
           road and on the west side   
           We buried 125 men union 
           and rebels
4          Weather pleasant
           Went out again to day 
           and buried 138 men unions and 
           rebels five negrose come in 
           to camp deserted from the 
           rebs 3 rebels solgers cam 
           all so
5          Weather pleasant
           two darkies came in to 
           camp and reported rebel 
           cavulry with in 5 miels 
           of camp bured 
           121 men to day
6          Weather rany our 
           men went out in the 
           fore noon and in the 
           after noon we went relick 
           hunting torg the Chickmuga
           for the same day 
           has buried 25 men
7          Weather plesent went 
           out A scout L N Somers 
           in the fornoon to the
           Chickmuga river in the after 
           noon they wanted 12 men 
           to vountear to go and gard 
           gordan mille the report was 
           that rebels was gonig to make 
           a rade they did not cam a good 
           thing for them
8          Weather pleasant the news 
           come that our camp was 
           attaced we went and found 
           that one of our scouts 
           had been drove in he reported 
           a squad of rebs on the 
           rite of us but found
           that it was no so
           We baured 80 men to day
9          Weather pleasent
           baried 43 men to day
           evry thing quiet
10         Weather clear and 
           buried 25 men 
           to day
11         Weather clear and 
           pleasant I was out 
           barying to day we 
           buried 38 men
12         Weather clear and 
           No news to 
           from the frount
13         Weather pleasant
           went out in the fore noon 
           and burried 6 men
           No more 
           to day
14         Rained A little in 
           the morning of the 4 
15         Weather pleasant 
           but cold 
           to day
16         Weather clear and cold 
           to day
17         Weather clear 
18         Weather vary 
19         Weather clear but 
                    cold to day
20         Weather pleasand 
                    and warm to day
21         Weather pleasant 
                    and warm to day
22         Weather pleasant 
                    and warm to day
23         Weather pleasant 
                    and warm to day
24         Weather pleasant and warm
           We had marching orders
           35 of Co A was detald to go sum 
           whare we left about 2 o clock 
           and went out about 12 miles
           We arived on the spot at nine 
           o clock in the evenen
25         Weather pleasant and warm
           the valley below us is on 
           fier Genl Thomas went by 
           us to day torge ringgold 
           and Head Quarters teams is on 
           ther way to the frount our 
           troops hav taken Tunnel hill 
           and are following the l 
                            rebs up
26         Weather pleasant  and warm
           report that our men had a 
           fight three mills this side
           of Dotlon
27         Weather pleasant and warm
           report that our men are falling 
           back Davises Division passed 
           hear to day going back Genel 
           Morgan was a long
                               No more 
                               at present
28         Weather pleasant and warm
           on gard recived sum 
           rations to day two more 
           and my self got sume horses 
           and went over to the other 
           post to carry ration to the 
           boys that was prety 
                    hungry when we got 
29         Rany weather dull 
                times in camp with nothing 
           to do but suck our

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