Drugs Destroyed

Al Gore's


Gore at Budhist Temple

Gore and 5 time convicted felon
Maria Hsia troll for illegal
funds among poverty-stricken nuns



"We smoked Opium more times than I can count."
John Warnecke


"Al Gore and I smoked regularly as buddies. Marijuana, hash. I was his regular supplier…We smoked a lot. We smoked in his car, in his house, we smoked in his parents’ house…we smoked on weekends. We smoked a lot."
John Warnecke

"Al Gore told me not to tell the truth. He asked me not to tell the truth." John Warnecke


These are quotes from the book Inventing Al Gore by Newsweek reporter Bill Turque. John Warnecke’s account was backed up by Andy Schlesinger and Ken Jost. Sutherland, the Editor of the Tennessean who also partied hard with Gore, refuses to comment at all calling it a private matter.

It is the premise of America’s multi-billion dollar campaign against illegal drugs that they cause physical damage including brain damage. Al Gore may be the poster child proving that rationale – but can we afford a brain-damaged President?



Al Gore has more Whoppers than Burger King

"I'm going to lay it on the line...the next President of the United States has to be someone the American people can believe will stay with his convictions." --Al Gore, 1988 Democrat Presidential Debate 2/18/88

Gore Invented the Internet

"During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet."  (Al Gore, CNN’s "Late Edition with Wolf Blitzer," 3/9/99)  

"I helped to negotiate an agreement with the Internet service providers to put a parent protection page up and give parents the ability to click on all of the web sites that their children have visited lately.  That’ll put a lot of bargaining leverage in the hands of parents."(Al Gore, ABC’s "Nightline" Democratic Debate, 12/16/99)

 Gore Had Nothing to Do with Internet Protection for Children. "The [Internet] industry had been working for a year with bipartisan members of Congress on putting a link to on-line child-safety resources on the front page of Internet portals - with no participation from the Vice President."(editorial, The Wall Street Journal, 5/6/99) Bartlett Cleland, a board member of the nonprofit Internet Education Foundation, said:  "There was no Gore involvement.  They hijacked this issue.  He makes it sound like he led the project.   I can’t imagine what he will invent tomorrow."(The Washington Times, 5/6/99)

Gore loves tobacco

"When I was a child, my family was attacked by an invisible force that was then considered harmless.  My sister Nancy was older than me.  There were only the two of us, and I loved her more than life itself.  She started smoking when she was 13 years old.  The connection between smoking and lung cancer had not yet been established.  But years later, the cigarettes had taken their toll.  It hurt very badly to watch her savaged by that terrible disease.  Her husband Frank and all of us who loved her so much tried to get her to stop smoking. . . . Tomorrow morning, another 13-year-old girl will start smoking.  I love her too.  Three thousand young people in America will start smoking tomorrow. One thousand of them will die a death not unlike my sister’s.  And that is why until I draw my last breath, I will pour my heart and soul into the cause of protecting our children from the dangers of smoking."  (Al Gore, The Democratic National Convention, 8/28/96)

"Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco. I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I put it in the plant beds and transferred it. I've hoed it. I've dug in it. I've sprayed it, I've chopped it, I've shredded it, spiked it, put it in the barn and stripped it and sold it.

(Source: [New York] Newsday, 2/26/88 – note that this was 4 years after his sister’s death)

Gore claimed his sister was "the very first volunteer" for the Peace Corps. In fact, she was a paid mid-level bureaucrat.

At the 1992 Democrat Convention, Al Gore similarly exploited his son for political gain by relating emotional and personal details about his son’s accident.

E plu...what?

"We can build a collective civic space large enough for all our separate identities, that we can be e pluribus unum -- out of one, many."
E Pluribus Unum is the motto on the Great Seal of the United States of America, and is Latin for "out of many, one," not "out of one, many."
(Source: January 1994. From a Milwaukee speech to the Institute of World Affairs as quoted in Investor's Business Daily, October 25, 1996.)

"I was the author of that proposal.  I wrote that....That is something for which  I have been the principal proponent for a long time."
Al Gore in a Time Interview, on the EARNED INCOME TAX CREDIT (EITC). Now, this is interesting, since the EITC became law in 1975, a year BEFORE Gore was elected to Congress.
(Source: Time Magazine November 1, 1999 Vol. 154 No. 18)

Gore Co-Sponsored McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform?

  "Gore noted that he had backed a sweeping campaign finance bill sponsored by Senators John McCain, Republican of Arizona, and Russell D. Feingold, Democrat of Wisconsin. ‘Unlike Senator Bradley, I was a co-sponsor of it,’ Gore said, ‘and I feel that it’s very important to get the influence of special interest money out of our politics.’" (The New York Times, 11/24/99)

"Gore not only did not, but could not have cosponsored McCain-Feingold.  Russ Feingold was not elected until 1992.  Al Gore quit the Senate in 1992 to become Vice President.  Feingold and Gore never served together." (Bill Bradley for President Press Release, 12/7/99)

When Gore ran for the Senate in 1984, one TV ad proclaimed, ''He wrote the bipartisan plan on arms control that US negotiators will take to the Russians.''

''That is a vast overstatement. He had nothing to do with what we proposed to the Soviets,'' Kenneth Adelman, who was the director of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, said in an interview. Adelman's view is supported by the two biographies, and by contemporaneous news accounts.

In two campaign ads in 1988, Gore awarded himself credit for the landmark 1980 Superfund legislation, saying he was the ''author of a tough Superfund law to protect the environment and crack down on toxic polluters.'' But someone else was the author.

Mary and Joseph were homeless??

"Speaking from my own religious tradition in this Christmas season, 2,000 years ago a homeless woman gave birth to a homeless child in a manger because the inn was full."
Hello! Mary and Joseph were not homeless!
(Sources: Press Conference at HUD, 12/22/97; George Will column, Sunday May 17 1998)


Several times during the debate (1999 in NH with Bradley), and again yesterday, Gore insisted that he has always supported both a woman's right to choose an abortion and Roe v. Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court decision that ensured that right.

In the debate's aftermath, Gore found himself closely questioned on his abortion position on a morning call-in show on New Hampshire Public Radio. The first caller, a woman who said she watched the debate, declared, ''I understand if you've changed your position during your career. I'm just having a hard ... I don't know how I can support your candidacy if you're dishonest about such an important subject, and especially on national television.''

Gore reassured the woman, saying he had always supported Roe v. Wade, though he noted that ''sometimes early in my career I voted to restrict federal funding of abortions.'' Nonetheless, he said, ''I've always supported Roe v. Wade. I've always supported keeping abortions legal....''

A review of Gore's congressional voting record shows that, as a House member from Tennessee, Gore voted in 1977 for an amendment that said, in part, that abortion ''takes the life of an unborn child who is a living human being,'' and that no right to abortion ''is secured by the Constitution.''

In 1984, Gore also supported an amendment to a civil rights bill that would, in one clause, have redefined the term ''person'' to include ''unborn children from the moment of conception.'' The amendment failed, but the National Abortion Rights Action League at the time said its effect would have been to end federal funding for hospitals that perform abortions.

 Gore Was Pro-Life as a Congressman.  "It is my deep personal conviction that abortion is wrong.  I hope that some day we will see the current outrageously large number of abortions drop sharply. . . .  Let me assure you that I share your belief that innocent human life must be protected . . . In my opinion, it is wrong to spend federal funds for what is arguably the taking of a human life. . . ."  (Letter from Rep. Al Gore to a Constituent, 7/18/84)  Gore had a high rating from the antiabortion movement (an 84 rating), and a similar letter to a constituent in 1987, can be found in a 1999 biography, ''Gore: A Political Life,'' by former ABC News reporter Bob Zelnick.


Gore called Homosexuality "abnormal" and "wrong" and in the October 28, 1984, Tennessean he was quoted "I do not believe it is simply an acceptable alternative that society should affirm...." Now he embraces homosexuals.


The inspiration for "Love Story"?

"Around midnight, after a three-city tour of Texas last month, the Vice President came wandering back to the press compartment of Air Force Two. Sliding in behind a table with the two reporters covering him that day, he picked slices of fruit from their plates and spent two hours swapping opinions about movies and telling stories about old chums like Erich Segal, who, Gore said, used Al and Tipper as models for the uptight preppy and his free-spirited girlfriend in Love Story; and Gore's Harvard roommate Tommy Lee Jones, who played the roommate of the Gore-like character in the movie version of Segal's book." (Time, 12/15/97)

"The author, Erich Segal, told The New York Times he was 'befuddled' by the comments in the first place. He said he called Gore, and the vice president said it was a misunderstanding."
(Sources: The Des Moines Register, 12/15/97;
Gore concedes 'miscommunication' about 'Love Story' role)

"I found a little place in upstate New York called Love Canal. I had the first hearing on that issue and Toone, Tenn.  But that was the one that started it all."  (Al Gore, The New York Times, 12/10/99)

Jimmy Carter, the Federal Government and Local Residents All Found Love Canal Long Before Gore Did. Lois Gibbs, the Leader of the Love Canal Home Owners Association, Rebukes Gore.  ‘"He did not begin Love Canal,’ Lois Gibbs, legendary leader of the Love Canal Home Owners Association, said Wednesday in an interview." ([New York] Newsday, 12/3/99)

Al Gore helped cover up radiation experiments on little children taking place in Oak Ridge, TN.

Special exception for Clinton.

"I seek this office to restore the rule of law and respect for common sense to the White House." ...

"Americans in every region and in both political parties have been shaken by the betrayal of public trust ... and the dishonesty of the public officials."...

"Any government official who ... lies to the United States Congress will be fired immediately."

(Source: Seattle Times, June 29, 1987)
Gore must be talking about the standards he'd apply to a Republican White House! After all, he referred to Clinton as "one of our greatest presidents" at the White House Post-Impeachment Pep Rally on December 19, 1998.

Last month, in a lengthy profile in the Washington Post, Gore acknowledged his memory had failed him when he once said that Hubert H. Humphrey used some of Gore's wording in his 1968 acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Gore overstated his exposure to danger during his military service in Vietnam; erroneously claimed that his investigative reporting at the Tennessean in Nashville in the 1970s had sent people to jail; and falsely insisted that half of his staff members were women.


 "And I was shot at. . . . I spent most of my time in the field."   (Al Gore, The Washington Post, 2/3/88) "I carried an M-16 . . . I pulled my turn on the perimeter at night and walked through the elephant grass, and I was fired upon."     (Al Gore, Los Angeles Times, 10/15/99)   Gore No Longer Mentions Combat Duty on the Campaign Trail. "On the campaign trail today, while he suggests no combat heroics, he nonetheless mentions his service in Vietnam proudly."   Los Angeles Times, 10/15/99)

Gore Had Bodyguards Assigned to Keep Him Out of Harm’s Way in Vietnam. "In Vietnam, Alan Leo, a photographer in the press brigade office where Gore worked as a reporter, said he was summoned by Brig. Gen. K.B. Cooper, the 20th Engineer Brigade’s Commander, and told Leo that he, Cooper, ‘had a great amount of respect for the senator.’  He asked Leo, the most experienced member of the press unit, to make sure that nothing happened to Gore.  ‘He requested that "Gore not get into situations that were dangerous,’" said Leo, who did what he could to carry out Cooper’s directive.  He described his half-dozen or so trips into the field with Gore as situations where ‘I could have worn a tuxedo.’"(Newsweek, 12/6/99)

While in the Army, Al Gore wrote his parents that the U.S. Army was a "Fascist organization."

Gore got out of Vietnam after 4 1/2 months of a twelve month tour of duty and out of the Army early on the excuse he was going to go to Divinity School. In a couple months he flunked out but did not return to fulfill his Army obligations.


"In 1987, Gore’s eagerness to play up his image as an investigative reporter led to one of the worst gaffes of his short-lived campaign for the presidency.  Gore told The Des Moines Register that his reporting ‘got a bunch of people indicted and sent to jail.’"  (Columbia Journalism Review, 1/93)

"Presidential candidate Sen. Albert Gore Jr. says he made an honest mistake when he said a Metro councilman had gone to prison after Gore wrote stories as a Tennessean reporter."  (The Tennessean, 10/4/87)

In two memos to Gore in late 1987 and early 1988, his press secretary, and then his communications director, warned Gore that he had developed a record for stretching the truth. ''Your main pitfall is exaggeration,'' Arlie Schardt, the campaign's communications director, warned Gore in March 1988. In September, 1987, Mike Kopp, the campaign's press secretary, told Gore in another memo that his image ''may continue to suffer if you continue to go out on a limb with remarks that may be impossible to back up.'' In this regard, Al Gore now claims he was a reporter for 7 years, although he used to claim only five. Records reflect the lower number.

Campaigning in Iowa, Gore overstated his farming background. He claimed that he slopped hogs, drove mules, built homes and cleared land by hand with a double bladed ax. "I learned how to plow a steep hillside with mules, hose out the hog waste and take up hay all day long in the hot sun." Of course this was in Washington, DC, in the 1960s.

Gore also claimed to have attended school in rural Tennessee as well in urban Washington, DC. In fact, he attended the private school St. Albins. He has claimed recently to have been a "great student" but in fact, was a poor 25th out of 51 in high school receiving predominately C's. He had average SAT scores. He was accepted into Harvard only because his father was a Senator. The political champion of the natural world received [a] D in Natural Sciences 6 (Man's Place in Nature) and then got a C-plus in Natural Sciences 118 in his senior year at Harvard. Al Gore actually flunked out of grad school at Vanderbilt University's College of Divinity. Gore biographer Bill Turque revealed: "Of the eight classes [Gore] took over three semesters, according to his Vanderbilt transcript, five ended in F's or incompletes that lapsed into F's. ..." Shortly thereafter, Gore bailed out of divinty school and enrolled in Vanderbilt's College of Law, where he also dropped out after earning only mediocre grades.


In September 2000 Gore got into some difficulties when he claimed his mother-in-law and his dog both took a prescription medicine for arthritus Lodine, but that it cost his mother 3 times as much. It turned out that he had made the whole story up using numbers from discredited year-old leftist propaganda which cited false wholesale costs, not retail costs. After days the Gore staff couldn't tell if either the dog or mother-in-law were even taking Lodine and certainly had no idea of the costs. Country-wide Lodine costs slightly more for pets than for humans.


Gore also ridiculously claimed that when a baby his mother sang him a lullaby jingle "Look for the union label" which was not written until Gore was 27. This suggests that Gore has a very serious brain disease if he thinks he was a baby when he was 27 years old. Perhaps mentally. For 3 days his staff claimed that Gore had mistaken it for a totally different 1901 union song but Gore finally decided to claim that it was a joke. Strange joke!




Al Gore wrote the book Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit, which is the wacko socialist manifesto to regulate everything based on junk science. He parroted the extremist EARTH FIRSTers terrorist party line with a straight face. It is probably the most ignorant book ever written about the environment. In it he wrote the scary totalitarian prescription "we must make the rescue of the environment the central organizing principle for civilization."

The following are highlights from a 1992 Democratic National Committee (DNC) memo by Jonathan Sallet to the Clinton-Gore campaign that highlighted Gore vulnerabilities from his extremist manifestoEarth in the Balance.  The memo was obtained by the Wall Street Journal, which published it in August of 1992.  Among the DNC's findings:

Recently Gore was asked by Gannett News if his opinions have changed since writing Earth in the Balance.  Gore said:

"There is not a single passage in that book that I disagree with or would change."

(Gannett News Service, 3/23/99)

Gore called the internal combustion engine the greatest enemy of mankind, see -

Al Gore vs. the Automobile

Gore wrote in EARTH IN THE BALANCE pp 325-326, "It ought to be possible to establish a coordinated global program to accomplish the strategic goal of completely eliminating the internal combustion engine (by government fiat) over, say, a 25 year period." "I wrote in this book Earth in the Balance that we should set as a strategic goal the phasing out of the internal-combustion engine over a 25-year period. I accept now that was a mistake. Twenty-five years is far too long for a goal like that. I think we can do it quicker." (Ramesh Ponnuru, "The Attack Man," National Review, February 21, 2000)


PAUL EHRLICH'S BOOK, ON GAS PRICES: "The United States could start by gradually imposing a higher gasoline tax-hiking it by one or two cents per month until gasoline costs $2.50 to $3.00 per gallon, comparable to prices in Europe and Japan." (Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, The Population Explosion, 1990, pp. 219-220) On the dustcover of the book, Gore said, "The time for action is due, and past due. Ehrlich has written the prescription." "Higher taxes on fossil fuels. . . is one of the logical first steps in changing our policies in a manner consistent with a more responsible approach to the environment." (Al Gore, Earth in the Balance, 1993, p. 173)

Al Gore Supported Plans For Even Higher Gas Prices By Endorsing The Kyoto Protocol. At the 1997 Kyoto Conference, Al Gore committed to reducing United States carbon emissions to less than 1990 levels by 2012. Key to discharging Al Gore’s promises at Kyoto is a carbon tax which experts have concluded will raise gas prices by 65 cents a gallon and reduce average household income by nearly $2700 even as the cost of goods and services rise in response to higher taxes. ("Global Warming: The High Cost of the Kyoto Protocol," WEFA, Inc., 1998, p. 1) Al Gore Cast The Tie-Breaking Vote To Increase The Gas Tax By 4.3 Cents A Gallon. The Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993, a $241 billion tax increase proposed by the Clinton/Gore Administration, passed on August 6, 1993 on the tie-breaking vote cast by Gore. Included in the bill was a 4.3 cent per gallon gas tax increase. Gore was also its leading advocate in the Administration according to author Bob Woodward: "The meeting quickly turned to the gasoline tax. Vice President Gore, a strong environmentalist who advocated energy taxes as a way to reduce pollution, argued that the tax should be retained. President Clinton could be attacked on character if he dropped the gasoline tax now, Gore said emphatically and emotionally." (Bob Woodward, "The Agenda: Inside the Clinton White House, Part 3 of 4," The Washington Post, June 7, 1994) Al Gore Was The Chief Advocate Of The Proposed 1993 BTU Tax, Which Would Have Raised Gas Prices By Six Percent. According to George Stephanopoulos, "Gore was the chief advocate of the energy tax, arguing that it was good for both the economy and the environment." (George Stephanopoulos, All Too Human: A Political Education, 1999, p. 206) Al Gore Has Been A "Driving Force" Behind The Increased Regulation Of Gasoline, Which Has Resulted In An Increase In Gas Prices. Al Gore has been a "driving force" behind the stricter regulation of gasoline, which has "pushed up production prices and created a patchwork of contradictory gasoline formulas in various parts of the country." (Bill Sammon, "Gore’s Strategy Is To Vilify Oil Firms," The Washington Times, June 22, 2000) A recent study by the bipartisan Congressional Research Service cited these factors as contributing to the massive increase in gas prices in the Midwest. (Lawrence Kumins, "Midwest Gasoline Price Increases," Congressional Research Service, June 16, 2000)

GoreUnabomber sketch

Who said it ...
The Unabomber or Algore?

The 10 excerpts below are taken from Algore's extremist book Earth in the Balance, or from the Unabomber's (FC's) Manifesto. You get to try your skill at determining who said which quote. Some are easier than others.

1. "In the speech in which I declared my candidacy, I focused on global warming, ozone depletion and the ailing global environment and declared that these issues - along with nuclear arms control - would be the principal focus of my campaign."


2. "No one knows what will happen as a result of ozone depletion, the greenhouse effect and other environmental problems that cannot yet be foreseen. And, as nuclear proliferation has shown, new technology cannot be kept out of the hands of dictators and irresponsible Third World leaders."


3. "Artificial needs have been created. ... Advertising and marketing techniques have been developed that make many people feel they need things that their grandparents never desired or even dreamed of. ... It seems for many people, maybe the majority, these artificial forms ... are insufficient. A theme that appears repeatedly in the writings of the social critics of the second half of the 20th century is the sense of purposelessness that afflicts many people in modern society."


4. "Whenever any technology is used to mediate our experience of the world, we gain power but we also lose something in the process. The increased productivity of assembly lines in factories, for examples, requires many employees to repeat the identical task over and over until they lose any feeling of connection to the creative process - and with it their sense of purpose."


5. "Like the Sorcerer's Apprentice, who learned how to command inanimate objects to serve his whims, we too have set in motion forces more powerful than we anticipated and that are harder to stop than start."


6. "Technological progress marches in only one direction. It can never be reversed. Once a technological innovation has been introduced, people usually become dependent on it, so that they can never again do without it, unless it is replaced by some still more advanced innovation."


7. "'Oh,' say the technophiles, 'Science is going to fix all that!' We will conquer famine, eliminate psychological suffering, make everybody healthy and happy!"


8. "Some argue that a new ultimate technology, whether nuclear energy or genetic engineering, will solve the problem. ... We have also fallen victim to a kind of technological hubris, which tempts us to believe that our new powers may be unlimited. We dare to imagine that we will find technological solutions for every technologically induced problem. ... Technological hubris tempts us to lose sight of our place in the natural order and believe that we can achieve whatever we want."


9. "Very widespread in modern society is the search for 'fulfillment.' ... (Yet) for the majority of people whose main goal is fulfillment, (technology) does not bring completely satisfactory fulfillment."


10. "Industrial civilization's great engines of distraction still seduce us with a promise of fulfillment. Our new power to work our will upon the world can bring with it a sudden rush of exhilaration. ... But that exhilaration is fleeting. It is not true fulfillment."


                                                                   ANSWERS: Gore said 1,4,5,8, and 10


Gore again

Al Gore with drug cartel member Jorge Cabrera, soon to be convicted of cocaine smuggling!


It was a Buddhist Temple?

Al Gore, when asked about his illegal fundraising activities that took place in a Buddhist temple:
"I didn't realize I was in a Buddhist temple."
Gore praying to Budha

"If we have already booked the fundraisers then we have to decline (the conflicting NY event.)"

Al Gore

Gore's email response acknowledging the Temple fundraiser

"It was a mistake. But I was told it was not a fund-raiser, and that's a fact"

Al Gore, later


In his third version of events, Gore admitted that he had known the Buddhist Temple event was "finance-related." Everyone else in the room knew it was a fund raiser.

Illegal White House Fundraising Phone Calls

"No controlling legal authority"

TITLE 18 US Code SEC 607

Prohibits "any person to solicit or receive any contribution" "in any room or building occupied in the discharge of official duties." The penalty is up to a $5,000 fine and three (3) years in jail.

"I am proud of what I did... but I won't do it again."
Al Gore in "no controlling legal authority" press conference, 3/4/97

"The records, which were provided to Senate investigators in recent weeks, show he [Gore] made more than 75 calls,
increasing by several dozen the number of previously known telephone pitches." (Los Angeles Times, 8/27/97)

One One memo advised Bill Clinton and Gore that the media fund - which the vice president sought money for in calls from his office - contained $675,000 in "hard money" but only $100,000 in "soft money." More soft money needed to be raised, the memo said. The memo from the Democrat Party was forwarded to Gore and Clinton in February 1996 by then-White House deputy chief of staff Harold Ickes. (Associated Press, 9/10/97. This soft vs. hard distinction was a false one raised by Reno to protect Gore. One problem - he knew he was raising hard money.)

The Justice Department's chief campaign finance investigator Charles LaBella wrote in his confidential report that Gore "may have provided false testimony" pointing out his failures of recollection and inconsistencies in his story. White House Chief of Staff Leon Panetta told the FBI that Gore was attentively listening to discussions about hard money and he saw Gore "walking through the papers" as the November 1995 meeting progressed. There is photographic evidence of Gore reading papers he denied recalling have read. Gore's explanation in a 1998 FBI interview was that "he drank a lot of iced tea during meetings which could have necessitated a restroom break (!)." This is the previously unknown "Tinkle Defense!" Gore was contradicted by Harold Ickes who said that if Gore left for bathroom breaks all discussions were suspended until he returned so he wouldn't miss anything. All witnesses contradicted Gore and said he did not leave the November meeting.

LaBella called Reno's declining to appoint an independent prosecutor "intellectually dishonest" and that she was engaged in "legal contortions" to protect Al Gore among others.

FBI Director Freeh in his memo of Nov 24, 1997, told Reno that since Gore was an experienced and sophisticated hands-on fundraiser that she could not rely on his self-serving statements and those of known perjurers to clear him as she was in light of the mountains of independent contradictory evidence. Freeh stated bluntly that there was "compelling evidence" that Gore had committed crimes.

Associate Deputy Attorney General Robert Litt wrote to Reno - "The statement of a person without apparent reason to lie (Chief of Staff Leon Panetta) corroborated by notes taken by an aide to the vice president, form a basis for concluding that the vice president did know what he claimed not to know..."

In June 2000, career Justice Department prosecutor Robert Conrad who took over the Campaign 1996 Task Force, the job LaBella had, recommended to Reno that a Special Prosecutor be appointed for Gore. In an April 18, 2000, interview Gore had been evasive and untruthful about the Buddhist Temple event and coffee fund raisers in the White House as well as his telephone solicitations.

Charles G. LaBella wrote in a July 1998 memo - "The contortions that the department has gone through to avoid investigating these allegations are apparent." He said "the desired result was to keep the matter out of reach of the Independent Counsel Act." "If these allegations involved anyone other than the president, vice president, senior White House or DNC and Clinton/Gore '96 officials, an appropriate investigation would have commenced months ago without hesitation," LaBella said

These and 60 other memos proving Gore is a criminal are at www.house.gov/reform


The Gore family was obliged to former Soviet agent, Armand Hammer for their family fortune. See DOSSIER The Secret History of Armand Hammer by Edward Jay Epstein from Random House. According to official Hammer biographer Neil Lyndon writing in London’s Sunday Review, Hammer liked to brag that he had Al Gore, Sr., "in his back pocket" while patting his wallet and chuckling. Hammer also helped to launch Al Gore, Jr., into politics with "prolonged and profound involvement."

What makes this interesting is that Bill Clinton was a student at the KGB recruiting center of Oxford, stayed with the Communist Party Chairman in Prague, and spent a month in Moscow with no visible means of support. Clinton chose Gore as his Vice President. Hmmmm.


"And while Al Gore may be a robotic, condescending race-baiter whose pockets are stuffed with illegal foreign donations, a 4% unemployment rate and a 10,000 Dow Jones Industrial Average can turn even the slimiest frog into a prince." -- David Frum, WSJ 3-8-00



Gore on Cheaties cereal box

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