Elsie Lee Luton

Born: August 22,1918

Died: April 12,1999

This 12th day of April, 1999, as I shared this

last journey with my Mother, the word that

comes into my mind would be "bittersweet".

I rejoice in the sharing of all the years of her

life. Learning about things in her life that I

had never known. Just sharing 80 years of

life......Mother to Daughter.

I have finally understood that no matter what

I do or what I choose to believe...her death is

very near now.

My answers came from a walk outside the

hospital in the early hour of 3 AM. I was

already being shown the promise of another

awesome morning. My walk took me through

a courtyard garden with benches and a statue

of St. Lourdes. Here is where I made my

peace with God.

I realized I had to let go of Momma before she

would know it was okay to meet her Master

now. Everything here on earth as far as her

family and life were doing good and now she

could let go without any worries.

The last thing my Momma asked of me was to

sing Amazing Grace to her. About 10 minutes

later, she silently glided on The Eagles wings

` heavenbound.

38 Days of Pain and Sorrow

My heart is full of sorrow and tears,

Only God can calm all the fears.

No time now for doubts and regrets;

Her gift of love I will never forget.

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound,

A Mothers' love that I had found.

Orphaned at birth, abandoned by kin;

This God-fearing person took me in.

Thoughts are scattered as death comes here,

Holding her hand as the Angels draw near.

A faithful Servant to our loving Master;

She is at peace as God comforts her.

We traveled Memory Lane, Mother and I,

Such contentment...On eagles wings she flies.

May time continue on as her days are few;

Until Our Savior on high starts her life anew!

Dedicated to Mother April 12, 1999 just hours

before she died. She thought it was beautiful.

This one was written by our daughter, Michelle

Faulkner the same day.....

Agony of Death

The world seems surreal

As time doth stand still

With every breath that she takes

Death shines on the lake

It's waters rest silent

Until her coughing becomes violent

Causing tidal waves of sorrow

Wondering what is there for tomorrow

I know her time is near

But it doesn't ease the fear

Her life has been led pure

Yet, it is agony to endure

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