©By Becky

We got her one summer the grass was so high
A special deal we did not dare pass by
We'd use her to keep the big yard mowed
And give us the milk while our boys growed

"Nanny" was a big goat don't know which bred
And she was a sweet one, oh, yes sir indeed
Two long horns on her though one was half gone
Now how that happened has never been known

Weeds round the farm house were almost waist high
Nanny sure got rid of them in the blink of an eye
We would put her outside on the end of a rope
You should have seen her eat, that silly old goat

Round and round she'd circle the stake in the ground
Till the grass was all mowed then she'd make a sound
She'd Maaaaaa till someone would move her elsewhere
And her bucket of water would follow her there

Then another section she would munch in no time
Till the sound of the church clock would finally chime
That meant it was time to get her in for the night
Then I'd feed her and milk her, now, that was a site

Put feed in an old pot, horse feed was a favorite of hers
Then up on the wide bench and present her ud-ders
I'd have to milk fast or else a whole bucket we'd lose
Done, she'd be off the bench, was time for her snooze

Locking her in the barn each night was such a darn chore
Cause she'd start kicking, trying to knock down the door
Sometimes she'd get loose though she wouldn't go far
For some dumb reason she liked the hood of my car

While standing up on the hood she'd snort as to say
Here am I Nanny, Queen Goat of all I survey
She was really quite funny standing there on the hood
Though it didn't do the paint job on my car any good

I wish I had taken pictures of her under the trees
She'd stand on her hind legs to get at the green leaves
Her bag and udders poked out when they were full
With dear "Nanny" around nothing was ever quite dull

Once she got loose and up on the porch she did head
Where she almost found out what it is like to be dead
There I was taking a snooze tilted back for a nice nap
That stupid old goat decided to jump up into my lap

Well sir, we both went backwards down with a crash
She was the one that got up faster as quick as a flash
"Why, you stupid old goat, you big piece of thick sap,
That was all that I needed a stupid goat for my lap"

We then talked with the neighbors across the hi-way
To see if we could pasture her, and been glad to pay
I took her across the road and then inside the fence
Then something happened that did not make sense

While I was there in the kitchen cooking dinner for us four
All of a sudden something crashed through the screen door
There was that goat Nanny looking at me with those eyes
Standing there as if to say I'm home now ain't you surprised

She had jumped the wire fence and then crossed the hi-way
How she could have done that I don't know to this day
That barbed wire fence had been as high as my head
I stood there and stared at her and knew with a dread

We would have to get rid of her we were fixing to buy
A new house in the city, I sat and started to cry
I knew I would miss her but she could not go there
We would have no place to keep her it wouldn't be fair

So we called the folks we had purchased her from
And ask them please would they come take her home
I heard she was happy back there on the old farm
Where she'd eat all she wanted and come to no harm

Sometimes I just sit here smiling for a minute or two
What if we did still have Nanny just what would I do
That dumb silly old goat that great big piece of sap
Well if I know that old Nanny she be sittin on my lap

belljoye May 17, 1999

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