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My White Speckled Hen
©By Becky

I have a faint memory from long, long ago
It is a memory that just wont seem to let go
Of a white speckled chicken I had as a pet
Can't quite remember but she is there yet
She clucks in my mind as if calling my name
I seem to remember a chicken quite tame
As I sit here images flit throughout my head
Of a chicken that used to live out in the shed
Memories are stronger the longer that I think
O my sweet little chicken, almost on the brink
Come a racing back these memories of mine
Down through the passages of another time
She would follow me where ever I would walk
Pecking and clucking, sometimes a squawk
Down the road we'd go, to visit with a friend
She'd wait outside; they would not let her in
She had no manners and always made a mess
And rather peck at bugs, for she could care less
If a stranger lit, she'd come on the run to see
Just a daring anyone to get twixt her and me
If you dared to ruffle any feathers on her back
Try mess with her darling, and suffer an attack
She was a broody hen she'd head right for the leg
But as far as I remember she never laid an egg
I can remember raising her, from just a little chick
Mama let me keep her cause she'd been so sick
I fed and carried her everywhere I would go
In a sweet little basket with a pretty little bow
Everyone would chuckle and say "Oh what a site"
It just made me love her more, with all of my might
My white speckled chick grew and grew and grew
She became a wonder to everyone we knew
Perching outside my window each and every day
Her clucking sounded as if, come on out and play
We were always together never too far apart
Something happened that really broke my heart
In September the year nineteen forty nine
We were separated and the idea wasn't mine
My dear Mama could no longer care for me
She put me in a home where I didn't want to be
At our last Sunday dinner I ate just like a horse
Not realizing, my little hen was the second course
That is why memories are hidden down so deep
Cause if I had known these things all I'd do is weep
So please awful memories stay hidden, stay away
I'd rather not remember that sad long ago day

February 22, 1999

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