Days of Wine and Roses


There are many types of sisters,
ones of blood and bond,
There are those that remain distant,
and ones especially fond.
There are sisters that will give advice,
or lend a listening ear,
There are ones that hold your heart and hand
when times cause you to fear.
There are sisters who make a day complete
when no one seems to care,
and stands within the "hood" of sisters
with hearts shared sweet and fair.

There are sisters older and sisters younger,
it matters not the age,
for sisterhood is deeper
then simply turning life's yearpage.
A depth that reachs far beyond
any mere man's comprehension,
A link within each sister's heart
bonded by pure conviction.

A bond that grew from spirits
touched by the looking glass
of shared souls within the sisterhood,
future ones or past.
From times well spent with kindred souls
to moments seeped in tears,
in the wealth of sisterhood,
the warmth of loving peers.

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