Book Cover
Anh Độ:
Half of Mine
Cao Mỵ Nhân:
A Melody
Chúc Anh
Nostalgic Autumn
Diễm Thy:
Once Upon a Time
Diên Nghị:
The Day that Went Down
Duy Năng:
To Yosemite Thinking Back
	to Vietnam
Dương Huệ Anh
Tranquil to Welcome Spring
Đình Duy Phương:
The Migrant Bird's Song
Đỗ Hữu:
Evening Melody
Words Reminder
Đức Hồ:
I Am Still Indebted
Hà Thựợng Nhân
Plain Felicity
Hoa Độ:
Unfinished Symphony
Love at First Sight
Hoài Việt:
Let Me Lie Together With You
Black April
Hoàng Lộc:
To Mississippi
Hồ Mộng Thiệp:
The Train Whistle
Picturesque Forever
Huỳnh Mai Hoa:
Autumn Trees and Humans
Hùynh Ngọc Điệp:
How Could You Know
A Mote
Khang Lang:
The Forbidden Fruit
La Toan Vinh:
Green Scene
Lê Mai
The Old Shelf
Lê Nguyễn:
Dialogue Between Man
	and Muse
Luân Hoán
Confiding in Younger Brother
Minh Châu:
Ngọc An:
Facing My Lover's Image
The Human Hearts
Springtime Love Words
Autumn Vestiges
Ngọc Thủy:
The Flames Flared My Pain
Farewell Forever, Twin Towers
Ngô Bích Lan:
Under the Purple Flowers
Ngô Minh Hằng:
My Sister
A Falling Star
Farewell For Ever, Twin Towers
Nguyên Phương:
The Statue
Nguyễn Nguyên Thanh:
Jesus Resurrected
Nguyễn Phúc Sông Hương:
Singing the Old Song
	Time and Again
Nguyễn Thị Bích Ngọc:
The Days Dad Got Imprisoned
Nguyễn Văn Cường:
Inspired by the Wind
Như Hoa:
My Mother
The Moonlit Path
Coffee and You
This Place to Miss and Love
Phạm Hoài Việt:
My Repatriation Dream
Glorifying Our Brilliant
	National Stars
Phạm Hồng Đậm:
The Flood
Phạm Thương Hợp:
The Blind Child
Phạm Trung Thành:
Sunshine in the Hongkong
     	Forbidden Camp
Quyện Tâm:
New Century's Eve
Song Nhị:
From This
A Summer Day in San Francisco
The Migrants' Song
Sương Mai:
Wafting Old Perfume
Thảo Nguyên
The Seventh Month
Thu Minh:
Me and the Sea
The Late Rose
I Miss You in the Yellow Fall
Tịnh Như:
Trần Trung Ðạo:
My Life for my Mom's
Trần Vấn Lệ
Poetry, These Four Stanzas
Trọng Lễ:
Từ Phong:
Vietnam War Memorial
Văn Bia:
Inside the Cathedral
Vi Khuê:
The Whole World is at Peace
     	this Spring
Heavenly Letter of April 30
A Farewell Song
Võ Đình Tiên:
Two Countries
Vũ Hối:
Half and Half
The Windy Sky
Time and Again
Vũ Thị Thiên Thư:
It Rains on the Old Riverside
Yên Bình:
Grant Me a Smile
Yên Sơn:
In Memory of My Father