The Quest for Questions

We thank you for taking the time to ask your questions. We thrive on believer questions; they make up the bulk (and we do mean BULK) of the content through which we wade as we attempt to build our personal inventory. We spend time on each question to consider if it is worth both the time and the effort to question, and if it deserves to be answered. This is not a time-consuming process.

After many long sleepless nights, we in the Dead Zone arrived at the decision that instead of answering one of the many fashion-, take home quiz-, meaning of life/death-, and/or "name that thing in which floss is kept"-questions which we are constantly receiving from you, the believer, we would both develop and offer, in association with "The Ministry of Truth" (which, in turn, happened to be in association with both "The Centres for the Dissemination of Misinformation (more widely known as 'The CDM')" and "Geoh!cities"), an exciting yet self-rewarding, newly improved (patented;) 5-step program entitled,

"Our Patented 5-step Program™: 5 steps closer to being more 'human™',"

in hopes that we could assist you on your quest to understand the nature of humanity.

The revolutionary feature that sets this program both above and beyond the other "-step program"s is that this one requires more than 58% less spiritual journeying than the "12-s".


Now you can carry our micro-compact meditations with you just about anywhere! Hands-Free! Email us (toll-free) at the address below for more information.

The Dead Zone has attempted to help millions of sufferers of generial disease worldwide for 365.25 days out of each year. Unfortunately, we must admit that our success rate has not been that great. According to our extensive laboratory-based research, no one seems to possess enough self-worth and/or intelligence to make it completely through to the end of the plan**. It has been rumoured that the data was biased because we only offer centres in America. Oh well.

*It has recently been speculated that "Canned Air™" consists of 90% ALC./VOL.
**Will power was also found to be a variable of significant difference.
***We have specially turbo-engineered our air to take on different vibrant colors, for your personal existential enjoyment!
*** Colors: CardioPulmonary-Resuscitating Copper, Gasp-for-Oxygen-ing Gold, Asphyxiating Aqua, Strangulation Silver, Choked-on-vomit Violet.
*** And introducing "Canned Mood Air™", which responds to your many moods, much like when chameleons respond to your moods, except that this is air.


teleport my ignorant corpse back to the dead zone.

complaints shouldnt be sent to (but should be expected from):
