Country Stars Webring

Trisha Welcome to the Country Stars webring! This webring was made to connect country sites together. It is very simple to join this webring. All you have to do is meet these simple requirements.Video for Back in the Saddle

1. The site submitted must be a site about one or more country singers.

2. You MUST save and upload the picture for the webring onto YOUR site!!! Or, you can use your own pictures. These pictures will be erased SOON!

3. The ring fragment must be on the page within three days after submitting request. Then e-mail me (If you wish to be added right away) and you will be submitted into the ring.

4. The ring must be on the page URL that you register with. If you put your main page addy, then the ring must be on that page. I will not search for the webring HTML codes. Ex: If you put the addy for your main page, the code must be on the main page.

Submit site to Country Stars webring

Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

To edit your site info, click HERE


This is what the webring should look like on your page except it will have your name and email for who the site is owned by. You will be emailed with the HTML code to add to your site.
NOTE: Please SAVE the picture and UPLOAD it onto YOUR page! Thanks.


Country Stars Webring

This Country Stars site
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You may use other pictures in place of these if you wish. I have made a couple for people to choose from but feel free to customize yours if you would like to. :o)

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