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James Fowler

Theory of Spiritual Growth

Spiritual development is very much a part of a student's education. While it is best to do this indirectly, it is good to know what is happening at each stage of development. This is a simple digest of a theory. A Theory is just that, a model to build from. It is the tutor who decides how to apply the theory.

Type Approximate minimum Age Stages of development
Divine Primitive Potter: Some say the Neonate is a Tabla Rosa, devoid of spiritual theories. Others say that they bask in the after glow of a previous spiritual existance, divine and wonderous. It seems best to think of the neonate as a divine potential. Being human, the neonate takes part of divine and animal qualities, each seeking to experience the world. Together, they are what the child can be and must be.
Intuitive Projective Focus is upon surface qualities, as portrayed by adult models. This stage depends upon fantasy. Conceptions of the divine reflect a belief in magic.
Mythical Literal Fantasy ceases to be a primary source of knowledge at this stage, and verification of facts becomes necessary. Verification of the truth comes not from actual experience but from such authorities and teachers, parents, books and tradition.
Poetic Conventional This child is entering Piaget's codification stage. Faith is still conventional and depends on a consensus of opinion of other, more authoritative persons. Now the person moves away from family influence and into new relationships.
Individuating Reflective Individuals in this stage begin to assume responsibility for their own beliefs, attitudes, commitments, and lifestyle. The faith learned in earlier stages may be disregarded, and greater attention is paid to one's own experience.
Paradoxical Consolidation The elements of faith, ritual, symbols and beliefs start to become understood and consolidated. The person begins to realize that other approaches to dealing with such complex questions as the supernatural and supreme being can be as valid as their own.
Universalizing Here the individual lives in the real world but is not of it. Such persons do not merely recognize the mutuality of existence; they act on the basis of it. The person at this stage appear to be truly genuine and lack the need to "save face" that exists at earlier levels
Transcendent From Kohlberg. Those who rise above the purely cognitive and achieve a place where they transcend logic. They come to understand why one should be just and ethical in a world that is unjust. They posses a burning love of universal humankind pressing them to improve the human condition.

A note from your Web Designer: As I was reading these theories I wondered if Mr Fowler was considering the exceptional child who can learn things at a faster rate than others. There are other conditions that may accelerate or restrict these stages, such as an environment of high stress, or having a genuine Færy Godmother.

This page renewed 06 February, 2002 By Thom Potter, This sites owner and Web Master!

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